14 : Missing

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Amna's POV

I bite my lip, sorting through files I've read a million times before in search of something. Anything. But really all I want is an update. Ah, Vilde. I hope you did your job well.

I hear a knock on the door.

"Libby? Come in," I call. Libby is one of our best agents - maybe she has news....?

It's not Libby.

My hand hovers over my gun behind my back as I survey the stranger.
"Who the frick are you?" The girl holds her hands up hesitantly.
"I - I'm the new recruit. From Troye. Jade."
"Where's Libby?" The girl looks away. "Jade!"
"She died. Routine raid." My heart sinks, and for a moment, I lose control of my face. No. Have to keep control.
"No links to us? To Agent V?"
"No, ma'am. They still don't know about us."
"Good." We fall into an awkward silence for a second. I bring my hand away from the gun. "You a field agent?"
"No, ma'am, but I got best in my cla-"
"Great. You can assist me in communications to Agent V then."
"Assist - what?"
"Come on!" I lead her out of the room, and she wrings her hands.

"That's not the only news, ma'am."
"Stop calling me Ma'am, please."
"Yes ma- man." I snort, and she relaxes a little.
"So. What brings you here, Jade?"
"Well, I was a follower of Hannah's, back in the day. But I went underground when - you know. Then my friend - Isa - she got taken. For the games."
"I see."
"But Amna - I have news."
"It's from Agent V. The - cake has been chopped?" My heart freezes.
"The cake has been cut?"
"Yeah. That." She unsurprisingly seems confused - only the most trusted rebels know what that means.
"Did they - did they say who by?"
"Karla? I think?" I grin. Good. One of my closest friends from before this madness. I'm glad it was her, who managed it.
"But - what does it -"
"Mean?" I grin. "It means the revolution is about to begin."

~One day earlier~

"Well done. We're lost. Good job."

Lozz's POV

"Why don't you just kill me, and be done with it?" Alychia, who's still got Jaime trapped, shushes her. Char clears her throat.
"If me, Steph, and Alychia go back to the others..."
"No! No way! I'm looking for Kik- the others." Steph nods along with this, and Char sighs.
"Fine. Isa? Jess?" Jess points her bow at Jaime, and Char turns to Keira, Emma and I. "Come with us, and we'll explain everything."
"Why can't you just... tell us now?"
"Just come!" Rolling my eyes, I get up.
"I don't suppose we really have a choice."
"What about us?" Maja asks. "What should me and Amy do?"
"You can look for the daft mini-eggs who decided to wander off, too."
"I don't know! I'm stressed! Let's go!"

"So, what do you think about all this?" I murmur to Keira and Emma. Keira shrugs.
"I used to know them. I trust that they're telling the truth."
We fall into step with Char again, as Isa and Jess march Jaime forward. She is utterly confused. I can't blame her, I am too.
"This is the place," Char announces, stepping into a small clearing. On the way, we had been told we were going to see Hannah, but that was about it on the information front.
"Is that - everyone?" Beth asks quietly.
"Yeah. Well, I don't know if Chloe and Gab have been back yet, but..."
"Wasn't there one more?"
"Um - about that. We had an incident." Hannah frowns. "Don't worry, the others are sorting it. But I figured the others could use some help, looking for the -" Beth holds her hand up angrily, and clicks the device.
"You moron, you almost said it!"
"Sorry, sorry! Shoot."

Hannah finishes her sentence, and I nod sharply. I seem slightly more comprehending than the others. Jamie's face is stricken, and she seems lost for words for a minute, before her voice rings out hollowly.
"I - I killed - I'm so sorry, I -"
"Jaime, you didn't-"
"What was their name?"
"I killed ST. I killed them. They did nothing, I -"
"She did what now?"
"Jaime. You didn't - you couldn't have known. It's the Fandom Games. No one blames you." Jess says soothingly. She shakes her head, and stands up.

"What can I do to help?"

Leah's POV

"We clearly have time. Why don't you just tell me what's going on?"
"We'll explain everything. Just now not, not here."
"Why not -"
"Shut up, Leah," Kiki sighs. "We've been over this like 10 times. The others will be back soon, then we'll take you to Hannah and then we can talk."
"Why don't we just go to Hannah?"
"Because someone decided to get us lost!" Cassie rolls her eyes at us, and takes a sip of her water. I suddenly feel thirsty. I haven't drunk anything in so long...
"Leah, we've been lost for like three hours, stop vocalising your thoughts just to make a Cassie feel guilty and give her water to you!"
"Well, I did have water, but I lent it to..."
"Shut up!" Cassie hisses, looking around. After a second, she relaxes. "Nothing."
"I somehow knew you weren't dead, Kiki. I don't know how." Maybe bc I told you when we met up hmm no can't be
"... thanks?"
"Does anyone have any food?" I ask. Cassie nods, reaching from her bag and grabbing a single chicken wing. "Is that it?"
"No. But we have to ration. That's your dinner, take it or leave it." I grumble, taking it and eating it as slowly as possible.
"And we still don't know where the others are? Surely they'd come back for us."
"Yes. Yeah."
"Fine." I sit back, looking at the darkening sky. "We should probably find shelter. They may not find us till tomorrow." Cassie nods, and I get up, scanning the tree. I clamber up it and find a wide branch, and lean on it.
"Do you guys have rope?"
"I only have 2 ropes. I'll sleep here, you two can sleep up there." Kiki climbs up after me, complaining about cramp and stomach aches and the like, but I just shut off, looking at the stars. They're the same as back home.

Oh god, Cassie, please say your group is looking for us. Please say you're telling the truth.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2018 ⏰

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