A date?

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Hamilton's Pov

"(Y/n) is quite interesting." Lafayette says  while smiling at his phone. "I know, but I'm glad she didn't change." I say, wondering why he's staring at his phone like that. "Why don't we ask her on a date?" John pipes up happily. "He's right Alexander. She's pretty, nice, and we all like her." Lafayette says while John nods and adds on. "Plus she likes turtles." 

"Fine, but when and how are we gonna do it?" I ask while the three are now dying laughing. I look at their phones and see that (Y/n) is telling them the time I fought Burr back in 10th grade. I grab my phone and start texting her.

(Y/n)'s Pov

 I finally finished texting the guys about when Alexander fought Burr when I saw that I was getting a text from him. 

Ham Ham: Stop telling them stuff!

(Y/n): No way Ham Ham >: )

Ham Ham: Did you change my contact to Ham Ham?

(Y/n): Yup. Got a problem Ham Ham? 

I didn't get a immediate response so I just put the phone down, knowing he's not gonna text back. He's weird like that since he either texts back quickly or not for hours. I turn on my favorite show and start to get comfortable on the couch. I turn the ringer off so nothing will disturb me while I fangirl. 

Hamilton's Pov

"She's not responding on the group chat." I worriedly say, since she never does this. "Lets just spam the chat I'm sure it'll get her attention." Hercules says while spamming the group chat with me too. We kept going for who knows how long. "That's it I'm tracking her phone." I say while putting her information into the phone tracker app. "Don't you have to have her information to do that?" Hercules asked. "Yes. She gave it to me some time ago just in case, just like you guys and her have mine." They nod at my words while I see where she is. "Found her! Get in the car I'm driving." 

(Y/n)'s Pov

'This episode is amazing!' I think while slightly fangirling while the episode ended and the next one about to begin in ten seconds. My door is suddenly kicked open by Hercules while Alexander ran in. "(Y/n)?!" Alex shouts while looking around the place while the others were walking in. "Ummm... hi?" I say confusedly before Alexander ran over and hugged me. "Why didn't you answer your phone?!" He angrily questions while tightening his grip on me. "Well like I've told you before, I turn off my ringer when I binge watch my shows." I explain while rolling my eyes. I just let Alexander basically lay on me too since were around the same height. They started mumbling sorrys like little kids. Hercules fixed the door real quick too since he some how almost knocked it off the hinges. "Why did you guys get so worried though? I understand Alexander getting worried cause of the stupid stuff we've done, but why you guys too?" I ask while they all had light blushes on their faces, which was kinda cute. "Well... it kinda needs some explaining so you'll know." Laf hesitates to say, kinda like he's scared. "Story time then." I pause my show and try to sit up but Alexander didn't really let me. Soon I was leaning on the couch crisscross style  while his head was on my stomach. They start to explain how they became best friends when they joined Alex's school in Junior year. They also explained how they were in a polly relationship with each other. They looked at me like they were scared that I would never talk to them again though. "Guys it's 2018, I think people have mostly moved passed it. Plus you guys are adorable together." I say trying to get them to relax. "We kinda want to go on a date with you (Y/n)." John says while blushing more. I blush at his words. "S-sure." I say while looking away, trying to hide my blush. I then felt them hug me too, which made my face even more red. "What show were you watching anyway?" Hercules asks, I just put it back on and let them watch with me. Eventually the seating changed somehow. Seriously I have no idea how Laf got under me or Hercules kinda next to him and me. While Alex and John were cuddling on me, lets just say I didn't need a blanket while they were here.  

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