Hang out

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"Ugh! I can't believe they did that!" Alex angrily exclaims while we walk off the campus. "Alex it's okay, just don't pay those idiots any mind." I say, trying to calm the over protective male down. "How can I not?!" He exclaims, starting to mutter to himself. "Good to see you'll always be the same." I comment while rolling my eyes. The thing with Alex is that you have to let him run it out of his system a little bit and then comfort him. "So my place or yours?" You question while looking back at the other three. "Ours! I want to introduce you to our turtle!" John replies quickly, with an adorable look on his face."Lead the way then." I reply while smiling. John smiles and grabs my hand and walks a little faster.

It didn't take long to reach their place; although it's further than mine. Their apartment had four different bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a living room. "Yesh my apartment can literally fit in yours." I comment while looking around. "Well yeah yours is meant for one person, ours is meant for four." Alex responds and rolls his eyes. I stick my tongue out at him and look over to John. He had a turtle carefully in his hands with an adorable smile on his face. "This is our turtle." (Please comment what the AU named Lauren's turtle if you know.) John says, getting closer so I can touch it. "Seriously John you're adorable." I say while smiling at him, which causes the other three to start laughing. "Whats so funny?" I ask, turning to them. I just looked at them while they basically died laughing on the floor. "Cause I'm not as innocent as you think, (Y/n)." John whispers into my ear in quite suggesting voice, which causes me to feel warm air on my ear. I blush and my eyes widen a little. "You sinnamon roll." I say before turning to him, a blush still on my face. "I don't know what you're talking about." He says, now using his normal voice and having an adorable smile on his face. 

I sigh and smile and look back to the others to see them finally settling down from their laughing fit. "You guys wanna order pizza?" I question receiving nods and what ind of pizzas everyone wants. I go online and order them. "There the pizza should be here around 30 minutes." I say, seeing the three on the couch. John went to put the turtle back in it's tank, and I join he others on the couch. When John came back he sat next to Alex on the end of the couch. It was a bit cramped through, since there was five of us trying to fit on a couch meant for three people. I wiggle off the couch and sit on the floor, not wanting to be squished by four hot guys today. "Why did you leave?" Hercules asks, and I just gave him a really look. "Cause as much as I like you guys I don't wanna be squished by you guys." I respond giving him a teasing look. "It is a little cramped." Laf admits. Alex and John were too busy basically cuddling to notice the conversation. Hercules gets up and joins me on the floor. He pulls me into his embrace, which I just accept. He's like a big teddy bear though, even if he can be loud and proud at times. 

The pizza came and we ate it, but eventually I had to start making my way home before it got dark. Hopefully all of us will have no classes on a day this weekend, so we could go do something. 

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