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(C/M)- College major you want/ favorite subject in school if you don't know your major yet.


"Nooooo!" I complained while holding onto the bed posts, still covered up by blankets. "(Y/n) we're going to school!" Alex yells while trying to pull me out of bed. "But I thought I was going to be able to sleep in." I whine, still fighting to keep my blankets. "Nope!" He yells before ripping me off the bed, which caused me to fall onto the ground with the pile of blankets. "Now hurry up and get ready." He says exiting my bed room.  'Why did I give them a spare key?' I think to myself before putting the blankets on the bed.

 I went to the bathroom to go get ready, which thankfully it didn't take long. I eventually walk out with all my stuff to see the guys on my couch. Lafayette, Hercules, and Alexander were talking while John was reading something. "(Y/n) I didn't know you had the same history class as us." He says happily while clutching said schedule. I shrug my shoulders while smiling. "I didn't know either, but at least the class will be fun now. So lets go." I throw the bag over my shoulder ready to go. "It doesn't start for another hour though." Hercules stated sounding confused while I glared at Alexander. "You woke me up and told me to hurry up when it's now for another hour?" He nods while looking nervous. "Only because you can take forever to get ready when you're tired." I lunge at him but unfortunately he moved and ran away from the couch. I got up but unfortunately before I could get him Hercules and Lafayette grabbed me and set me on the couch. 

Since I couldn't really fight back against them since they're taller and stronger than me, so I just had to sit there. Alex sat down on the other side of Lafayette and Hercules, which means I could only glare at him. "Do you want me to do your hair?" Laf asks while smiling. "Why whats wrong with my hair?" I ask, messing with my messed up hair that I really didn't do. "Well you do have a few tangles. Plus I  could style it since you didn't think you had the time to." He reasons. No wonder Alex became friends with them they're all smart and make great points. "Fine." I say. 

I get up and grab my hair brush then come back. We ended up switching seats so I was between him and Hercules. Of course that got Alex a little nervous, along with the fact that I was smirking at him. "What style do you usually do (Y/n)?" He asks while I felt him brushing my hair gently. I explain my style of hair that I usually do to him. I wait for him to finish while listening to the others talk. "Hey (Y/n) what are you majoring in anyway?" Alex asks. "Well  I'm majoring in (C/M). What are you guys majoring in, if you don't mind me asking." I ask, feeling Laf finish on my hair while the others blush lightly. "Well I'm majoring in fashion." Hercules confidently says. "That's good to know if I ever need fashion help." I laugh a little. "I would be honored to help." I blush at his comment. "I'm majoring in art." John says. "Law." Alex says while smirking. "Why do I feel like that's the best thing ever for you?" I ask, just earning a shrug from him. I turn a little to look at Laf and he just shrugs. "I'm still trying to find out." I nod and smile, just to show him a sign that's it's okay. 

I get up from the couch and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see how Laf somehow did such an amazing job on my hair. "(Y/n) come on we gotta go!" I hear one of the guys yell. I run out and grab my bag and following them out the door, making sure to lock it behind me. We walked for a couple blocks until we reached the college. Sadly though I had no classes with any of them so we went our separate ways. 

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