Segment 1

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Tris’s POV:

Lynn grabs some gum from her bag and begins to chew on it loudly. I can smell her horrible breath and hide my face in my hair so she won’t see my look of disgust.

Once the bell rings we are dismissed and I rush off to my locker. Inside it is all my unorganized papers and books. I scramble through them as everyone begins to clear the hallway and go to class. I don’t want to be the last one there. I start throwing papers everywhere, looking for my timetable, tears streaming down my face.

“Hey, are you ok?” the voice shocks me and I jump, all the papers falling to the ground. I look up to see a girl with short brown hair and olive skin.

“Let me help you.” She smiles, reaching down to pick up my papers. I get down on my knees and help her.

“You’re Beatrice right?”

“Yes.” I say, not wanting to embarrass myself like I did with Lynn.

“Not to be offensive at all but people here don’t tend to go with names like that. Try something short and snazzy.”

“Well I don’t really want to change my name. I like it the way it is.”

“Well it’s your choice. I’m Christina but people call me Chris.” She says as we pick up the final papers.

“What about Tris?” I ask.

“Tris what?”

“My name.”

“That’s a great idea. We have art next so you won’t need your books. We’re in the same class. I don’t know if you saw me in the second row or not. Just ignore Lynn. She’s like that with everyone and there’s a reason she’s up front.” Christina explains as we walk into class. As we enter, some girls look at Christina as if she is mad so I try and ignore the glances. Christina and I take a joint table in the third row and Art begins.

Half way during class I finished my painting of a horse.

“That’s amazing!” Chris exclaims.

She was right. I have never painted something this well. Just then a boy walks into the room and every one falls silent. The boy has muscles rippling in his arms, his skin is slightly tanned, his hair is brown, his long lashes almost cover his deep blue eyes and he is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen. All the girls around me, including Chris, are gaping and I am too. The guys are staring with jealousy which means I am not the only one in this room who agrees he is handsome.

“Mr. Eaton, you were meant to be here in period 1.” Our art teacher scolds.

“Sorry Miss.” He scans the room, looking over all the eyes but when he reaches mine he stops. Then we find ourselves staring at each other. Then he breaks the stare and sits down beside Zeke.

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