Segment 14

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Tris's POV:
As I arrive at the party I start to regret coming. All around me is alchol and hormonal teenagers. This isn't my scene. I probably shouldn't have come out with Chris but I needed to get away from the life of Tobias and I. If my parents saw me now they would kill me.
Chris leads me through the dancing people, pulling me by my hand. I wonder where she is taking me.
"Chris, slow down!" I cry as I get squished between two men. She slows down so that I can walk beside her.
"Do you want a drink?"'she asks. I can barely believe what she just asked. The last time I drank I got drunk and ended up making out with Tobias and confessing my feelings for him. What if something bad happens this time if I get drunk again? But then I remember how nice it had been to forget about everything, dance and have a good time. I would have never kissed Tobias if I hadn't been drunk that night. I do not regret getting drunk. So why not? I nod and she grabs a plastic cup from somewhere in the crowd and passes it to me.
As I gulp it down she pulls me onto the dance floor and we dance. I notice girls dancing with boys with their behinds up against them and almost puke. Why is the teenager world so disgusting. If a stranger asks me to dance what will I say? I need some more drinks before I cans tart dancing like these sluts. I wonder why Chris came to this party anyway. Surely this isn't here scene either.
"I'll be right back. I need a drink." I tell her and she follows me.
"I know where the best spirits are." She explains as I raise an eyebrow. I let her lead me across the dance floor but then she stops so abruptly I knock into her.
"Hey!" I growl and rub my forehead. She doesn't respond or make any gesture that she heard me. I can't see past her so I try to get in front but then she turns around.
"Tris I think we should go." She warns me, blocking my view. Is she hiding something? What cluld she possibly be hiding in a public venue?
"But I want my spirit." I try to push past her but she grabs my wrists.
"Tris please." She begs, her eyes look sad. She is definitly hiding something.
"Let go of me." I warn her, my temper rising and she does. I pull my wrists away and push past her. As soon as I see what it is I stop. She was right. I should have listened to her but then I guess I would have never known.
Tobias sits in a small group with a girl on his lap. He looks up lazily to me and his jaw falls. I want to scream but I mainly want to run. How could he move on so soon? He said he wanted an honest relationship and after I tell him that he moves on. Who does he think he is?
"Tris we should go." Chris whines. I nod and turn around only to bump into a tall and muscular figure that I know too well.
"Hey Beatrice." He snickers.

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