It's ok. You're ok.

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"I feel it all here.

I feel it black and white.

I feel it old.

I feel it with you.

Or i used to.

Or have i ever ?

Where are you ?

Have you ever been here ?

Or are you just a ghost ?

Some kind of idea.

Are you a need ?

Or do i just want you ?

Who are you ?

Because you used to haunt my thoughts.

All of them.

Can you realise ?

But i guess that's what you wanted.

What you always want.

Easy for you right ?

Everybody chases you.

Some are afraid of you.

They're still running.

You did them wrong.

Maybe they weren't ready.

Maybe you took them too young.

Maybe they didn't even want you.

Because you walked into their lives,

Then you walked away, hands full.

Full of their diamond.

Each person's diamond.

So that's what you really want ?

Steal other people's hearts ?

I guess so.

But you also give them one first,

So that they would know what it feels like to be whole.

So that the loss would be more painful.

But those you don't abandon.

Those lucky people.

Those happy stories, happy endings.

What would they want more ?..

How wouldn't they be all they wanted ?

How wouldn't they love all they are.

But tell me.

How do you choose your victims ? Your lucky ones ?

I just want to know.

I'm curious.

I've always been curious."

She said, simply.

She asked, love.

"You'll be ok. You will see me again. You will find me again."

That was all he could answer.

Emy Greater

17 / 12 / 2017

She  ~ The lone wolfWhere stories live. Discover now