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Trying to give a meaning to life is one of the most common human quests. Spirituality, setting up goals, having existential crisis episodes. It's a full part of our human identity. But the question is : why ?

Well, some would say that we are creations of God, so our soul naturally looks for the right way to Him. The soul knows there's a purpose for which we live. It knows that, and the only way to get to the truth is to start doubting. When the soul happens to find the way it thinks is the One, the person settles down. Everything good. Peace is found. It can last a life time, but doubt can appear again and again. It always depends on the person herself and her curiosity, or else.

And that is what, on the other hand, can be claimed. As human beings, we are curious. As human beings, we want to understand everything. Give a meaning to everything. We look at others, confident, chasing their goals, some fight for a cause, others work hard to get to a post they have always dreamt of. So giving a purpose to life gives a meaning to it. But we look at ourselves. Is this who i want to be ? Who do i want to become ? Where am i heading to ? Does it all even matter, actually ?

Trying to give a meaning to life is also a need, or else, we lose our taste of life. We begin to feel like everything fades the moment we experience it. Maybe we look for a goal and a meaning because we couldn't accept the fact humans could have been a coincidence, maybe we need it because understanding that a higher power that would give us a mission might not exist. That This power supposed to guide us... is only a myth created because people couldn't guide thelselves by the love of the good, but by the fear of being punished.

Each person experiences and sees life in a different angle. 7 billion different views of the world, 7 billion different thoughts about the world, right now. 7 billion people. Some who think they've found the way, some who have already given up on finding one, and finally, some who keep looking for an answer.

Where am i ?

Hmm.. my dears, i don't even know who i am yet.

23 / 03 / 2018

Emy Greater

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