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The boy and minghao got eye contact.

'Y-you' the boy said

The queen and looked at Minghao and back at the boy.

'You guys know each other?' The queen asked

'Well, yeah selfish jerk?' The boy asked and looked at Minghao

Minghao now remember that he called the boy that.

'Hello, I'm Xu ming- I mean Lee Dongsun'

And at that time another boy came in, just younger at age 12 or something.

'Mingyu hyung~' the boy said and ran to him

Then the prince Mingyu lift the boy up and spun him around.

'Careful' The queen said

It took some seconds before Mingyu stopped.

'Daehyun darling this is your new tutor, Mr. Lee Dongsun' The queen said

'Hello, Daehyun!'

'You are going to call me prince Daehyun' the boy said smirking

Okey, what a boy. All of them talked and when Minghao was going to his room he tripped and broke one of the expensive vase in the room. First day and he already embarrassed himself.


Minghao was now in the room he will be staying, he packed out his things and was still in shock, because he had to lie.

He than rang to his boss

'Yes Hello'

'Hi, I'm in the Palace now'

'That's great!!' His boss said

'I mean, well I had to fake my identity to come in'

'You know what it say, you have to do all the things to come in!!'


'I have to go now, and good luck!!'

After that he heard a beep, he falls back into the bed and almost fell asleep, ho got up and not to fall asleep. He was looking around the room and it was pretty good.


Minghao was now walking to the room to meet Mingyu's little brother Daehyun, and of course he had to wake up early.

He walked in and saw the boy sitting on a chair drawing something, Minghao then sat beside him.

'Now, if we can start with the math?'

Daehyun just ignore Minghao and continue drawing, Minghao was now a little bit irritated. He didn't think the younger would be like his older brother.

'I want to get to know you better' Daehyun said smirking


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