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Minghao was up til 3am for writing to the article, he was so focused and didn't bother to look up from his MacBook.

He was finally done with the article, the clock was now almost 6am and he didn't actually got so much sleep so he decided to sleep a little before waking up.


Today was the day Mingyu would be king, Minghao and Mingyu didn't actually talked together. Whenever Mingyu saw Minghao he would try to talk but Minghao just found random excuses.

Minghao woke up and didn't feel good so he went to bed again, he couldn't sleep, so went through some mails and news, He an eye of the news 'New king'

Minghao read the article and was impressed, the interviewer has literally tried to make Mingyu a bad king?

He stood up and stretched before waking to the bathroom. He eventually walked out of the room and went to the library again.

He came and saw Mingyu and jeonghan talking, you could says they didn't actually had a good friendship between them.

Minghao tried to walk away, but stopped when he heard Mingyu calling his name.


That's right Minghao has already forgotten that he used the name.

'Yea' he answered

'What are you doing here?' Mingyu asked

'Well...i-I was.....I ca' he got cut of by Jeonghan

'He was going to meet me' jeonghan said

Mingyu looked back at jeonghan and Minghao, he didn't know that they had something going on. But who cares? Minghao ignored Mingyu.

'O-oh, then I will see you tonight' Mingyu said as he walked pass Minghao

The day went very fast and jeonghan and Minghao got to know each other more, jeonghan told Minghao that Mingyu was not with Wonwoo that made Minghao a little bit sad. Maybe Minghao should go and talk to Mingyu before tonight?


Minghao was with Daehyun and played with him.

Wonwoo and Soonyoung went again to Minghao's room and now they got in. They searched for something that they could prove that Minghao wasn't the tutor.

'Where the hell have you your things?' Wonwoo said to himself

They searched for like 20 minuets before they found something interesting, the letter.
Vote and comment<33 Okey! Im going to update each Sunday:)

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