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They both pulled away and looked at each other and Minghao was going to say something, but didn't because the horse was scared or somethings.

'I'm going to check the horse' Mingyu said

Minghao just nodded and tried to hide is blushed face, he walked to the desk and found a letter

Minghao got shock and didn't want to tell Mingyu about this letter so he took it  hide it.

Then again Mingyu came in and smiled at Minghao. They just talked that night.


They both walked back to the Palace smiling and talked. All they could think about was the kiss they had yesterday.

'Well I will see you then' Minghao said

Mingyu nodded and smiled

Minghao walked to his room and lays him his bed, he couldn't believe what happened yesterday and his face got red as he thought about that.

He can't keep up this, pretending to be someone else, what would Mingyu says if he found out that Minghao actually is an interviewer.

He opened up His MacBook and started to write down all the information that he found out, also about the letter. The only one who knew this was little Daehyun.

It was just 2 more days until Mingyu will become a king, and what will happen? Minghao has many questions in his head and he got easily tired. It was an party to celebrate Mingyu that he would be king.

Minghao standard up and went to the bathroom and came back and lays down and fell asleep.


Minghao woke up and felt happy, he didn't know why. He was walking to Daehyun's room and passed the room were Mingyu played the piano, he looked inside and saw Wonwoo and Mingyu taking and before Minghao could turn around, he saw Mingyu kissed Wonwoo.

His smiled faded away and he just walked away, he tried not to cry but a single tear fell down his cheeks.

He was now in Daehyun's room and they started to go through all the homework. Minghao and Daehyun was really fast so they just talked.

'So..what happened?'

'What do you mean?' Minghao asked

'You and my brother?' Daehyun said as he smiled widely

'Nothing happened actually' Minghao lies

'Of course something happened, I can see the way he looks at you'

'Haha, funny'

They talked and they almost ate all the cake and cookies they baked.


Minghao walked out of the room and walked back to his own, he was about to opened his door but it's was someone who took his wrist.

'Hey' Mingyu said with a smirk


'What are you doing tonight?' Mingyu asked

'Nothing actually, just going trough some math and English' Minghao said

'Do you want to-' Mingyu was cut off by Minghao

'You know I'm very busy so, and the day you kissed me? Can we just forget'

'W-what do you mean?' Mingyu asked

'I saw you and Wonwoo kissed in the room' Minghao said trying not you cry

'I-it's Nothing between us!' Mingyu said

'Nothing? I saw it with my two eyes?' Minghao said as he let go of Mingyu's hand and walked in his room leaving Mingyu.

Minghao locks his door and fell down to his knees and silently cried.
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I may not update so much because school has started so. I'm going to try to update <3
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