c l i m a x // IV

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“So…he’s married, huh?” Sohee muttered, flipping the papers in her hands.

“Yes, ma’am.” Her butler answered.

Kwon Jiyong. 24. CEO of Kwon Enterprise. Married to Park Sandara for 4 years.

Sohee’s face turned darker. If she didn’t run a background check on him then she wouldn’t have known. The ring. Yes, he was wearing that stupid marriage band that day. How come she didn’t notice it the first time she saw him?

Her eyes widened as she read another information about him, “A kid?!” she yelled and her butler nodded silently.

Great just great. First, a wife and now, a kid. She gritted her teeth, annoyance clearly painted on her beautiful face.

But no, she won’t back down now. She’ll finish what she started. She wants him—all of him. She’ll fight. She’ll pay the price. She wants him. She wants Kwon Jiyong.

And what Ahn Sohee wants is what Ahn Sohee gets.

“Kwon. Ji. Yong…” a vicious smile playing on Sohee’s lips. “…in a matter of time, you will be mine.” She muttered to herself.


“Daddy, look!” Shin Yong said, waving his artwork in front of Jiyong’s face. Dara smiled while washing the dishes on the counter.

His husband and his son…always so noisy early in the morning.

Jiyong put down the newspaper he was reading and turned his attention to his son beside him. “What do we have here,” he said, looking at the piece of paper Shin Yong was holding. “Is that us?”

“Yes! Daddy…Shin Yong…Omma!” pointing out figures holding each other’s hand with their house as the background in his drawing.

“But...” Jiyong shook his head, trying to contain his laughter. “…we’re yellow, Shin Yong.” But failed to do so and burst out laughing. Shin Yong pouted and he stopped at once. “Mianhe, Shin Yong-ah.” And he held him close and kissed him on the forehead.

Shin Yong smiled and tugged his daddy’s ear. Jiyong leaned down, curious to what he wants to say.

“That’s because we’re happy, Daddy.” Shin Yong whispered to him. “Yellow means happy.”

Jiyong smiled as he ruffled his son’s hair affectionately. This boy…for his age, it’s amusing he knows something like that. He’s just like his father. Witty and full of charm.

“What are you two laughing about, huh?” Dara playfully narrowed her eyes, trying to act suspicious in front of them.

“Nothing, mommy.” Shin Yong answered, giggling.

Dara pinched the bridge of her nose and titled her head up, acting up like she was hurt. “Aigoo…keeping things from Mommy.”she said, pouting.

Jiyong chuckled upon seeing her pout. He always loves it when she pouts. “Aigoo…” Jiyong stood up and hugged her from behind. “Are you sulking, Mommy?”

Dara stiffened, feeling Jiyong’s hot breath in her ears. It’s tickling her. Kindling something from her below. “N-no…I’m not.” She said, stammering.

“Really?” Is he doing that on purpose? Is he trying to seduce her? ‘Cause…well…its damn right effective.



She pointed to Shin Yong who’s watching their little antics while grinning from ear to ear.

“Oh…yeah,” Jiyong freed her from his hug. “I forgot.” He said, but did not forget to steal a kiss on her cheek before he sat down. “Tch.” She rolled her eyes at him playfully.

“Oh right, baby!” she snapped her fingers as if remembering something. “Shin Yong’s play will be on Friday.” She said, sitting down beside him.

“Really?” he asked and Shin Yong nodded.

“Are you going to come?” his wife asked.

“Of course! I would not miss it for the world.” He said, turning to Shin Yong. “Do you want daddy to come?”

“Yes daddy!” Shin Yong said while nodding and bouncing happily in his chair.

“Then make daddy proud!” and he gave him a thumbs up.

Seeing their son’s excited state, Jiyong and Dara laughed together. They are glad that Shin Yong is an active kid, not just academically but he also participates in school programs and activities. He does so well for a kid in his age. He’s just outstanding.

“Please be there, Ji.” Dara whispered to him. She wanted the both of them to be there. To see and be proud of Shin Yong together.

He nodded at her, “I will be.” He said, giving a smile for his beautiful wife.


“Good day everyone.” The lights turned on as he finished his presentation.

Everyone inside the meeting room gave him applauds. As usual, he does his job well. His plan for the expansion was presented simple but substantial. All of his ideas were laid carefully and perfectly. What Jiyong wants for Kwon Enterprise ambitious yet realistic at the same time. They strongly believe that Jiyong can do this.

He’s Kwon Jiyong. The man of possibilities.

Sohee stood up once every body exited in the room. “Congratulations, Kwon.” She said, striding towards Jiyong. “You did your home work very well.”

“I’ve always been a diligent student, Ms. Ahn.” He said. “It’s a habit.”

Sohee laughed and Jiyong can’t help but laugh along with her. “Kwon Jiyong, you never fail to amuse me.” Her laugh dying as she spoke.

“I’ll take that as a compliment. Thank you.”

“It is, Mr. Kwon.” She said, her eyes now blazing with desire as she takes a step closer to him. Her heels made a clicking sound against the floor. Call her a sinner but she doesn’t care. Call her a home wrecker but she doesn’t give a damn. She wants him. She wants this beautiful man standing in front of her.

She wants Kwon Jiyong for herself.

“Kwon Jiyong…” his name rolled out of her tongue like honey. And Jiyong met her eye to eye, waiting for her to continue what she has to say. “You’re such a gift and a curse.”

Jiyong chuckled. What? A gift and a curse? “What do you mean, Sohee? In what context may I ask?” he asked, confused by her sudden statement.

“You’ll find out soon, Jiyong.” And she flashed him her infamous smile. She took a step back, still her eyes still not leaving Jiyong’s.

“How wicked of you, Ms. Ahn.” His tone, a playful one.

She smirked at him, “Leave a man hanging. So that he’ll crave for more.” She said. “That’s a lady’s rule.”

As much as he amuses Sohee for his humor and powerful aura, Jiyong finds it as a mutual feeling. Ahn Sohee’s smart mouth and her unbridled attitude. It’s her charm. A thing Jiyong can’t deny.

“You’re such a gift and a curse, Ms. Ahn.” He said, imitating her exact words earlier.

“Whatever, Kwon.” She scoffed at him and turned around. Sohee picked up her purse at the table and paced towards the door. “Jiyong,” she called out to him before leaving completely out of the room.


“Friday. 5 pm. Dinner at Samwon Garden.” She said, flashing yet again her infamous smile. “Be sure to be there. The CEO wants to discuss matters with you.” And before Jiyong could reply any more, she was out of the room.


Sohee's heels clicked against hard cold floor. "You'll find out soon, Jiyong. And when you finally found out. I'll make sure to make you mine." she whispered to no one, a vicious smirk playing at the side of her lips.

She'll do what it takes. Anything...everything.

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