Chapter 31

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Dedicated to all the Nuggetz♡
*Mia's point of view*

"Corbyn drive faster!", I demand. "I'm going as fast as I can!", Corbyn argues. "If we don't start going light year speed I'm shoving you out the car and driving myself!", I hiss. "Who do you think you're taking too?", Corbyn sasses. "Someone who should get ready to get road rash", I snap. "Someone's angry", Corbyn mumbles.

"Not angry, just scared a homicide is about to happen", I say.  "Don't worry Jack is there", Corbyn says. I raise my eyebrows at him. "Call 911", Corbyn says. "Drive faster", I demand again. Corbyn picks up the speed. We get there in two minutes after running a lot of red lights.

Corbyn stops while we're running up to the house. He grabs a handful of dirt. I can hear screaming inside. I ignore him and swing open the door to reveal Zach on the floor screaming and Erika on top oh him pulling his hair. "Help help!", Zach yells at the top of his lungs. "Erika!", I screech pushing her off of Zach.

"Apoligize to Pot Head!", Erika demands reaching out for another handful of Zach's hair. "He's a demon!", Zach yells back swatting her hand away. I help him up off the ground. "He is not a-" Erika is cut off by Jack's familiar screaming. He runs down the stairs almost tripping halfway. "That cat is a demon!", Jack yells clutching his face. "He's not a demon!", Erika yells at him. She looks at me with a hopeful look. I look away and act interested in a picture of Corbyn and I planting his army.

"He almost clawed my eyes out!", Jack argues. Erika frowns and sighs. She walks upstairs ignoring Jack's calls. "Only one more day", Zach's sighs in relief. "Only one more day", I repeat. I smile brightly and turn to Corbyn.

He walks up to Zach and looks down at him. "Don't you ever disrespect me again, mole rat", Corbyn spits. Zach opens his mouth to speak to only get a handful of dirt thrown in his face. He spits out the dirt on Corbyn's shoes.

"You're all driving me crazy!", Zach yells before Corbyn has the chance to even open his mouth and offend Zach. Zach storms out of the house. "Zach!", I call out walking behind him. He picks up his pace. I look at him then back at Corbyn's hurt face. I can hear Erika and Jack upstairs arguing. Daniel and Christina are screaming along to music loudly. Maybe some alone time will do Zach some good.

I walk back to Corbyn and hug him. "Not going after your prince charming?", Corbyn asks wrapping his arms around me. "He can't be my prince charming if I'm a queen", I joke. "More like the queen", Corbyn rephrases. I chuckle and smile up at Corbyn. Corbyn and I have a similar attitude. We're strange and confident and a little pinch of everything. We just get each other and getting along with him is so easy. I hate to see Zach upset but my best friends matter too.

"You know he didn't mean it, right?", I assure. "I think we, except you of course, finally irritated him", Corbyn explains. I furrow my eyebrows. "No, I irritate him too", I disagree. "Impossible", Corbyn laughs. I let go of Corbyn and stare at him confused. "You can't annoy Zach because every second with you if heaven for him", Corbyn explains. "No-" "I live with Zach so trust me on this one", Corbyn says. I shake my head stubbornly still not believing him.

Erika storms downstairs with Pot Head in her arms. "He's not that bad", Erika mumbles angrily. I stare at the car wearing a top hat. "Only one more day", I say. "Should we throw Lot Head a throwing away party?", Corbyn asks. "That's a brilliant idea!", I exclaim. "Tomorrow morning we sneak off and go get supplies", Corbyn says. "Perfect", I agree. 

A loud crash is heard. Corbyn yells and shoves me toward where the noise came from. I stare at the door that is now on the floor wide eyed. Police officers stand holding guns in their hands. "Put your hands up where I can see them!", One of them yells. I slowly put my hands in the air. Corbyn and Erika do the same. Erika holds Pot Head in the air. "Put the cat down, lady!", Another police officer demands. "Hey, what's going on?", Jonah asks coming downstairs. He look at us shocked and puts his hands up. "Who broke something now?", Daniel yells from the other room. Police officers walk past us still holding guns. "I didn't kill anyone!", Christina shrieks after the cops walk into the living room. "We got a report of a lot of screaming for help here", An officer explains.  "Erika!", Corbyn, Jonah, and I yell in sync. "It's a long story", Erika laughs. The officer furrows his eyebrows. "Search the house", One of them demands.

"Actually stop right there!", I yell so loudly that I scare the cops. "Quiet!", One of them demands. "I demand you this instant to put your search warrant in my hand!", I exclaim slowly putting my hand down and out in front of the cop. "We got a report of screaming for help", He says shaking his head. "I down care if you did or didn't but I want a search warrant right now", I say shaking my head. "We don't-" "Well, then I'll be happy to call my lawyers", I say with a smirk.

Zach walks in and all the cops now point their guns at him. "Who did you kill?!", Zach yells terrifed. "So you did kill someone!", Another yells. Now the police officers turn to all of us standing terrified. "We didn't kill anyone with just have a psychotic friend!", Jonah yells. "Yeah!", Erika agrees. "We're talking about you!", I yell. "Oh", Erika laughs.

"Look this is all a misunderstanding", Zach says. "Get out the house before I sue you for breaking down the door", I yell. "You killed someone we have the right to investigate", One of the police officers says. "Look Officer Salty Pants you can sit down and have a cup of coffee if you want to hear all the story but there has been no murder", Christina says calmly. "We'd love to hear the story then", The officer Christina referred to as Officer Salty Pants says. "Great well you can hear the story outside because I can get my lawyer on the phone", I say shooing all the cops out the house.

"Who's going to fix the door? We don't want evil crickets coming to live here", Corbyn asks.

Word count: 1115
What even is this chapter? Lmao wow I don't even know what I wrote.


I love you all so so so much. I have a lot of love for each and every one of you♡ thanks for being part of my Nuggetz army :) I appreciate appreciate the sweet messages and comments, the votes and just all the support♡♡


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