I Do|Chapter 49

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I imagine Mia's wedding dress to look something like this, but feel free to envision whatever you like :)

I imagine Mia's wedding dress to look something like this, but feel free to envision whatever you like :)

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Ten years later and Mia sat in front of the mirror on her wedding day. She smiled at her reflection. She made her wedding dress on her own. It was perfect, almost like it was stolen from a Disney princess. To say she felt like a princess would be an understatement, she felt like she was a whole royal family. Her hair was done by Christina, an updo that perfectly framed her face. Her makeup was light, but her ocean eyes were clear and the bluest they had ever been.

"Are you excited?", Elle asked, coming up behind her. Elle was Corbyn's wife of four years. They met when Corbyn accidentally hit her in the face while cheering about Mia's coffee being the best she had ever had. Not the most romantic way, but as Cornyn says, "Who cares about romance, I want a girl that will bop me in the face- wait, okay maybe that's assault." Corbyn married her two years after they met.

"Yes", was all Mia could blurt out. She was definitely more than excited. Zach and Mia had been together for over a decade it was definitely time to put a ring on Mia's finger. They were both busy people with Why Don't We being the biggest band and Mia busy being one of the best designers to walk on the planet.

"I got to pee! I got to pee!", Erika screeched. She shoved Christina out of the bathroom. "Well, what if I needed to pee?!", Christina yelled at Erika. Erika responded on the other side of the bathroom door, "There's a sink in the guy's room and a bucket in the closet!" Mia couldn't help but chuckle.  She had the perfect best friends. After all those years Erika and Christina were still the same, except with maybe a wrinkle or two.

Grace walked into the room where the girls were getting ready to announce the boys were all ready. She had her two hear old daughter with her. Grace is Jonah's pregnant wife. She met Jonah at a concert that no one wanted to accompany Jonah too. Grace also happened to be alone and they sang and danced the night away. After that came hangouts that turned into dates then a wedding ring followed a few years after, until a beautiful baby was introduced to the world.

Grace and Jonah's daughter Juliet, would be the one throwing the flowers down the isle. Mia loved Juliet with all her heart. When her eyes landed on Juliet she quickly took her away from Grace to play with the small girl.

In the room next door Zach was panicking. "Oh my God what if my hair doesn't look good enough? What if I call her Mime instead of Mia? What if I step on her dress?! Do you know what she would do if I stepped on her dress!? I'm not ready! I'm not ready!", Zach screamed in Jack's face.

Jack wiped the saliva Zach had gotten on his face. "Thanks for cleaning my face, buddy", Jack thanked sarcastically. Zach was quick to apologize.

Jonah pushed Jack away, taking his spit in front of Zach. "Everything will be perfect. Just remember how much you love Mia", Jonah reassured. Zach smiled at his best friend gratefully.

Corbyn grabbed Zach's collar and shook him like a rag doll. "Pull yourself together! Your hair is always perfect, but if you step on Mia's dress I will slaughter you with my ear!" Zach immediately cracked a smile. Everyone could always count on Corbyn to say something funny.

Slowly Zach's nerves started creeping up on him. "I have to pee!", Zach exclaimed. "You don't have to pee you're just nervous", Daniel laughed. "Actually, he looks so nervous he really might pee himself", Jack pointed out.

Corbyn left the room and left the boys to calm Zach down. Corbyn knocked on the girls room. Erika opened the door. "I almost peed myself", Erika informed. "Oh, Zach too", Corbyn said.

"What?", Mia asked, her head snapping towards Corbyn immediately.  "He's just nervous", Corbyn assured. Mia frowned. "Why?", She asked, with her nerves now rising too.

Corbyn walked up to her and embraced his best best friend. "Don't worry, Mia. All that matters is your big day and you can't let yourself get worried or stressed. You look beautiful", He reassured. Mia gave him a tight squeeze.

"You know I love you, right?", Mia sighed. "I know you love me so much you'd buy me a planet", Corbyn joked making Mia smile.

"I should get back now the wedding is about to start", Corbyn said turning around at the exact time his wife exited the bathroom. Corbyn's mouth dropped. "I-" He was speechless. The girls smiled at how cute the couple was and all the love they shared.

"Yeah yeah, I'm hot don't make me bop you on the nose", Elle laughed. Cornyn grinned in response.

"All right, shoo", Erika said, shoving Corbyn out of the room.

Corbyn returned to the other room where Zach was chugging down water. He stared at himself in the mirror. He sighed trying to get rid of his anxiety eating him up. "Stop worrying you're making Mia worry", Corbyn said. Zach's eyes widen. "I have to apologize!", Zach exclaimed, shooting up off the chair. Jonah blocked the door.

"The best thing for you to do is calm down", Daniel said. Zach agreed and sat back down. After a few minutes Zach was finally calm.

"I can't believe I'm getting married to the most beautiful person in this Earth!", Zach exclaimed. His smile was gigantic. He felt so much thrill at that moment there was a high chance he would cry tears of joy.

Zach turned to his friends, his eyebrows furrowed. "Daniel, are you crying?", Zach asked. Daniel let out a sob and hugged Zach. The rest of the boys joined in. "I'm just so happy for my best friend and my daughter", Daniel explained.

Corbyn joined in on Daniel's crying. "Why are you crying too?", Daniel asked Corbyn. "We're getting so old", Corbyn sobbed, clinging on to Zach tightly. The group of boys laughed.

They left the room when it was finally time for Zach to stand at the alter.  "Finally" was all Zach was thinking as he walked up to the alter. Everyone he and Mia loved sat waiting for the bride.

Noah went and got Mia and the girls. Mia was ecstatic, she was ready to say the two magic words. She was desperate to hear the wedding bells.  She wanted to be in front of Zach so desperately she forgot everything around her. She snapped out of it when Jonah was hugging her.

The music began and on cue the bridesmaids took their partner's arms. Juliet walked out and began throwing flower petals, her parents followed close behind. Mia wanted to bolt into the room and scream the two words. Mia took a deep breath, her smile widened every second. Finally it was time. She took Noah's arm and entered the church. All eyes were on her.

Zach's heart sped up when he laid eyes on Mia. He felt tears welling up in his eyes. In his world there was only one word to describe how beautiful she looked and it was Mia. The tail of her dress followed behind her. She really wanted to run up to the alter and kiss Zach. Finally, she made it up in front of Zach.

"Can we please just skip to the 'I do' part because I really want to kiss you right now?", Zach asked.

"Our wedding we make the rules", Mia laughed.

Word count: who cares Zia is married!!!

I don't want to let go of Zia yet :(
Only two more chapters!! That's insane!! I wrote New Phone one year ago in July and it's almost over!! New Phone is about to hit 2 million reads and Always Find A Way Back is so close to 500k!! Thank you so much♡♡


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