You Found Me

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Lost and insecure,

You found me, you found me,

Lying on the floor,

~ You found me

                The Fray

No One’s POV

A man was walking past a seemingly regular door in the large block of flats. His raincoat zipped up tight around him, as it was raining outside and he’d just gotten in. A black briefcase in his hand , containing the days work and various pieces of information he needed about a course to go on in two days time.

As he walked past, there was a sound like something had smashed and then a loud bump as something presumably hit the floor.

The man hesitated, seemingly having an inner battle with himself. All was quiet except for the low sound of a song playing nearby. His caring side won as he went to knock on the door, noticing it was slightly ajar.

He hesitantly pushed it open, revealing a mess of a flat. Rubbish was strewn everywhere,  dirty dishes piled in the sink, the stench of God knows what attacked his nostrils and he pulled a face. Furniture was placed in random positions, hardly any of it the right way up.

The man called a soft “Hello” to which he got no response. He knew he probably should turn around and leave but something was compelling him to walk forwards, towards the door in which the music was behind.

A soft melody could be heard from the room , but other than that, complete silence. He gently pushed open the door and his eyes widened at what he found.

A beautiful girl was on the floor, her brown hair billowing out making a sort of circle around her head. Her petite body was covered by an over-sized t-shirt and next to her was a smashed bottle of vodka and empty pill pockets.

The man quickly whipped out his phone and dialled 999, this girl needed help, now. The ambulance was soon on it’s way and in what felt like forever, she was being swarmed with paramedics who saying things like “Suicide attempt” and “stomach needs pumping” the man shook his head. As he thought to himself, what could make one teenage girl resort to this? He’ll never know.

The paramedics thanked him for calling and took her away, he trudged slowly up the stairs to his wife , thinking of a reason to tell her why he was late.


My seat on the plane was by the window, for which I was thankful, the only drawback was the fact that I could possibly get some insane person next me or a crazed fan.

Thankfully, I was blessed with a truly adorable old lady with a tuft of white hair on her head. She gave me a happy smile and sat next to me. I was surprised, this was an 8 hour flight, was it healthy for her to do this? Wait, she wasn’t stupid.

We exchanged the usual hello’s and how are you’s before the plane had even moved.

“May I ask why you’re travelling today , young man?” She asked as the plane moved forward.

“It’s kind of a long story” I answered back, truthfully.

“Son, we’re on this plane for the next 8 hours, we have nothing but time.” She said back, with an encouraging smile.

I let out a sigh.

“Well, first off, you should know that I’m in a band called All Time Low, I’m the lead singer Alex Gaskarth and we’ve recently come off tour to have 4months rest. We’ve been recording so much and touring and just working really hard. When me and the lads got back to mine, our tour manager, Matt gave us all a copy of this.” I said, handing over the sheets. Giving her a chance to read it. I carried on while she brushed tears out of her eyes. “It meant a lot to me. My own brother..Tom, he did this a while back. I have to know if she’s alright. She already feels like a close friend, and I’ve never met the girl. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if I didn’t know.” I finished, my own eyes watering.

Two Is Better than one (An All Time Low FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now