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Song for this chapter:
Strangers In The Night - Frank Sinatra
-Michael's POV

The paramedics are telling the doctors her vitals as they wheel her inside of the hospital. Her coughing calmed down, but occasionally she would have smaller episodes. That was night one.

The next day wasn't much different. I just sat in the room with her, talking to her. Holding her hand. I never left her side, unless to go to the bathroom of course. On day 4, she insisted I go home for a few hours. Eat a proper meal, shower, and get a good sleep. I didn't want to, but when she threatened to break up with me if I didn't. I was tempted to just leave her room and just sit in the waiting room, but I knew she would have a nurse check. So I very apprehensively left. In a blur, im suddenly in front of her apartment door. Unlocking the door, I go inside and make a run for the shower.

I don't even remember what I ate after I had showered. Maybe I didn't even eat? I attempted to take a nap, but I couldn't as my mind wandered about what could be happening to DJ. I quickly got up, put my shoes on. Locked the door and made way to her car and made way to the hospital. As I walked in I saw her Aunt Lorelei sitting where I was sat earlier writing inside of a notebook, and DJ was laying down, with her eyes closed. Her aunt left about a day or two later. Bruce came a few times too.

I stopped counting the days after 7.

Everyday as I'm here with her in the hospital, I see her starting to be come... less herself. She was getting thinner, the color of her skin was fading, her hair falling out. The cancer was taking over her and there was nothing left to stop it. Her voice was diminishing, her eyes didn't shine as bright, her hands are cold and felt different when I held them.

"Will you always love me?" I ask her one night.

"No." She answers, which I'll admit, it hurt. "I'll love you until I die, Mikey. But I won't love you forever. When I die, I can't love you, I'll just be dead, doing and feeling nothing. But I'll love you till I take my last breath and my heart stops beating."

She looks up at me and smiles. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.

"Just promise me, that when I die, you'll find someone else. I beg of you not to be stuck on me." She says while looking into my eyes.

"Who says I'll be stuck on you? I already have a waiting list of girls who are next in line." I says to lighten the mood a little.

She let's out a little laugh but just comes out as a wheeze and shakes her head. "Fuck you, Clifford."

"Well you already have my love." I say kissing her hand.

"I just wish the last time we had sex, I would've enjoyed it more. I didn't know it would be our last time." Her eyes looked pained. Truth be told, if she wasn't as fragile as she was, I would've taken her right then and there. Hear her moan, feel her shiver at my touch, kiss her up and down her body one last time.

When she slept, I would watch her and then fall asleep, when she ate, I made sure she ate, then I ate. I did not want to leave her side. I made sure she came first, I put myself last. I would play some of our favorite music we have enjoyed within our time together. Anything from Jazz, classical, rock, any song she requested I would play for her.

This continued for a few days, anything she requested to do, I would do, she wanted to color, I colored with her, she wanted to read her favorite book, I would pull out her favorite book and open it and read it for her.

"I'm really tired, Mikey." DJ said one night, the sun almost gone over the horizion.

"Okay, baby." I say and stand up, I adjust her bed for her, making sure she's comfortable for the night, I cover her up with her blankets to keep her frail body warm. I kiss her forehead.

"I love you, Mikey." She whispers

"I love you, baby." I whisper back to her.

"Kiss me." She says, and that's what I do. Her once full lips, felt different. And it wasn't just the way her lips felt, but how she kissed me, and the feeling behind it.

"I love you." She tells me again. I smile and she gives me a weak smile back.

"I love you. " I say back, she takes a deep breath and holds my hand. I rub the back of her hand with my thumb and the sun was now gone over the horizion. I keep doing this until I know she's asleep. Her chest barely moving when she breathes, I look at her for a while. This beautiful girl in this hospital bed, that was so out of my league. When I saw that night at the Jazz Club, she was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, sounds cliché, but I knew there was something about her that I had to have. And I have never been so right in my life. She made my life better. I just wish I could've done something to make her life better.

A few hours later, she was gone. I woke up to the solid tone, signaling that her heart had stop beating. I barely had time to register anything when Nurses and a doctor came flying in, trying to bring her back. It all failed. I stood against the wall as I saw them pressing on her lifeless body. Everything in slow motion. It didn't feel real. The love of my life was dead. She's dead. After all this time together she was just now pulled out of my grasp in an instant.

I don't even know how I ended up inside her car. All I know is that I crying and I'm screaming at the top my lungs.

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