Song for this chapter:
Red Flag - The Moth & The Flame
I get into my apartment and toss my keys onto the table, sigh, and plop onto my couch. I lay down and remove my heels with my feet. I was tired from work, but what the hell just happened? I'm not sure but it sure as hell won't happen again. That whole situation thing.

"Are you a Virgin?"

Was the only thing going through my mind. Geez, out of all the bad things I did when I was younger, why didn't I throw myself at every boy that offered me sex? I got plenty of offers in high school. Sure, my personality kind of threw them off, but my "Good looks" is what drew them right back in. Why am I thinking like this? One dumb guy is surprised I'm a Virgin and now I'm regretting not spreading my legs to every guy that asked me to? This is so not like me.

I get off the couch, go to my radio and turn on some music, to be greeted with Modest Mouses "Float on".

There's not much to do on my days off. I go to my room and change out of my work clothes and grab a book. Not really into it, just about some goody two shoes girl who's now in college, meets this tatted up boy who annoys her, blah, blah, blah, frat party this, frat party that. What made me purchase this book?

But with in a few chapters, I started to enjoy the book, although the female protagonist was irritating the shit out of me.

Maybe I should rethink the whole college thing? Pay thousands of dollars each year to go party and find some smoking buddies, get chased around the police as we hide away like the delinquents we are.

Before I know it, it's much later in the day, and I was further into my book. Almost finished, and when the book mentioned food, it suddenly dawned on me that I was hungry and haven't eaten since my Virgin Mary seminar this morning. Getting up off the couch I look into my freezer, deciding on pizza. Sitting on my kitchen counter, kicking my legs back and forth, I look over into my living room. My piano and I having a stare off.

It was sitting there. Pristine and white. It was literally mocking me. I get off the counter and walk over to it, like we were in a western and are about to have a stand off. I cross my arms and stare at it. I'm tempted to kick it, but if damage was done to it, it would be like damaging myself. I clearly wasn't cogent, so before I knew it i was sitting in the piano bench. My fingers brushing against the keys.

The smoothness so familiar yet so foreign. The ding of my oven makes me realize what I had just been doing. I walk to the oven, putting on an oven mitt and taking out my pizza, setting it onto my counter to cool. Although I didn't want to, I don't know what drew me to go back but I'm back at the piano.

My finger tips gently pressing down onto the keys, the sound was soft. Something inside me makes me continue to press more keys. The memories of my playing days came back to me. Pressing keys down to make cords I haven't played in years. Arpeggios coming back to me.

What the actual hell

This was so out of the blue. I ignore it and go back to the kitchen where my pizza was almost cold. I sit at my counter mindlessly eating. There was only a few slices left when I decided to go up stairs upto the roof. I grab my carton of cigarettes, my phone, and keys. Going up the stairs and finally onto the roof, I sit down, lighting one up and play music on my phone. I just sat up here, a few people coming up every so often. I watched the planes go by. Talking to them like I always try to do. Seeing them zoom on by, leaving that thin trail of white smoke behind them.

After a few hours of sitting up here. My carton was getting empty, I had mindlessly went through my carton. And I hated being out.

"Shit." I mumble to myself. I finish off the one I had, then rushing back down to my apartment opening my door grabbing my wallet, went downstairs and outside. Only walking around the corner to buy more. People trying to sell their mix tapes, fake jewelry, shirts, sketchy food, art, people standing around looking suspicious as fuck. But I managed to get inside the convenience store just fine. I picked up some snacks and drinks before heading to the cashier.

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