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So how my book works
It is a werewolf book but it does not have everything one normally has.

Only Males can change. Both females and Males have wolfs.
There are still your ranks
Alpha/ Luna
Bata/ bata female
Third in commanded
this is both of the mates, both of them are ranked thirds.
Pack worriers- the fighters or protesters of the pack.
Omega's- weakest in the pack.
Mutes-can not speak something bad happened that they are to scared to speak.

They also don't have packs like normal ones. The Alpha just makes sure the town is safe. And takes care of everyone still makes the rules. The Luna doesn't have a role really. She just helps make sure kids are in line and are set for the future. The bata and bata female help with this. The thirds take care of security and training people to be pack worriers.
There will be some people in my book that seem one way but are actually completely different. Don't let the good people or bad trick you. If you have any ideas or questions don't hesitate to ask or tell. I am on here all of the time. Because like you I read on here, not just wright. I hope this helps as I go I might add more to this list. And yes the first few chapters are short.

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