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Bill's POV

"What should we do for flowers? I'm thinking blue and yellow ones...right? Cause PineTree likes blue..." I say to my family, more to myself though. 

"I think you should ask him, Bill. What if he doesn't even want flowers?" Tad, my cousin, says bluntly. I don't think he wants to be here, but Mom forced him to come.

"M-m-maybe he's morbid, like you. Maybe he will want e-e-eye balls for decorations!" Will says with a smile. He twirls his fingers, trying to make his statment more spooky. 

"PineTree doesn't like that shit," I say, closing my eyes and thinking hard. I hear Will pout, but he gets over it quickly when Tyrone puts a hand around his waist.

"Well, Bill, tell me what you know about this young man, and well start from there," My Mother says. She's got on her cloak thing on and her white hair is in a bun, she's pretty old. 

I stop. What do I know about PineTree? Pfft, well...kinda everything? I know everything there is to know about him, but yet he still surprises me everyday. I know he blinks twice when he sees the colour pink. I know he doesn't like the smell of powdered sugar. He loves pine trees and smells like them, too. He doesn't like cake but loves muffins. When he laughs, his face scrunches up and his freckles pop out more. He has long, thick eye lashes...curly hair.

He doesn't like his I guess they aren't invited. Oh wait, we killed them! 

So then...

"Bill," my Mother says. She's sitting next to me at my table, staring intently at me. Tad, Will, Tyrone, and my younger sister are all at the other side. Everyone is staring at me. Tad's got a hand over his mouth, trying to keep from laughing.

"What are you laighing at, Tad?" I snap, crossing my arms.

"You," He says. Instead of getting up and punching him, I face my mother—she had something to say, right?

"What were you saying, Mom?" I ask. She smiles, surprised I hadn't went and knocked the shit out of Tad. We used to do that when we were younger. In our hundreds or so...

"I was saying, what you were thinking about isn't what I meant," She says, chuckling a bit. I feel myself blush a bit.

"Well um, what did you mean?" I ask nervously. She smiles at me.

"Bill, what does he like? Favourite colour? Favourite book, movie, outfit? Who's going to wear the dress? Simple things," She says. Simple things about PineTree.

"Mmk..." I mumble, urging her to continue. Because, honestly, I don't know shit about this stuff. Like, at all. How do you plan it? How does it work? Will we do it the human way, or the demon way? Or maybe we could do a combination of both!


Holy fuck...

I think he might be too young for this to work.

"Okay Mom, come back tomorrow afternoon and I'll have a list, or plan of some sort. There's something else I have to take care of right now," I say, pushing out my seat and standing up.

"Alright Bill, I'll be back to help you with this...event. I forget what it's called..." she mumbles the last part. I turn to Tad, Will, and Tyrone.

"You guys don't have to come back," I say to them, knowing they probably weren't going to anyway. 

Will walks over to me, a smile on his face. I'm glad he isn't crying like he used to anymore. He wraps his frail arms around me in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you, Bill," he whispers. I wrap my arms around him as well and return the hug. Lucifur, I love Will so much. He's the best brother anyone could ever possibly have. 

"Thank you, Will. You don't have to come tomorrow but I expect to see you there when the time comes," I say, half joking around with him. He lets go of me and I do the same.

"O-Of course, Bill! Ill be t-there to s-show your little PineTree all those f-funny videos of you when w-we were younger~" Will teases with a soft grin. I punch him lightly in the arm with a grin of my own.

"Fine, I'll see you then, Willy!" I say happily, pushing him over to his impatient boyfriend. Tyrone's standing there, tapping his foot, waiting for Will.

"Bye B-Bill, I love y-you!" Will says with a wave of his tiny hands. I wave back.

"I love you too, Will," I smile. Mom has already left with Tad, so now I'm alone.

Maybe I should go find PineTree...

Dipper's POV

"PineTree~~~" Someone coos into my ear. I don't need to open my eyes to know that it's Bill. Probably smiling at me with that adorable grin of his.

"Bill," I say. I don't really need to say anything else, I just got to let him know I'm not dead and he can talk without questioning if I'm paying attention or not.

"We've gotta talk about some things..." he says. I feel a repeated poking on my shoulder. Bill's probably making that face he makes when he's nervous. Like, puffing put his left cheek and then poking me.

"What?" I groan, starting to get up and open my eyes. I open them and notice that I'm curled up in Bill's throne. Back in the pyramid. Bill's face is inches from mine, and he's making the face. Puffed out left cheek. I knew it. Am I just the best boyfriend or what?

"PineTree!!! Just do that weird cracky, stretchy, creepy thing you do with your shoulders and meet me in my room. This is important!" He says.

Lucifur, by the way he's talking, I honestly don't think he's kiding.

I sit up and steatch my shoulder out of its socket, waiting for the satisfying—


There it is!


Before I update next, im going to go back and re read my shit, then I'm going to change it. I didn't continue this chapter because I was really tired.



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