All My Love, Baby Horan

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"Bye Niall! I love you!"

"Love you too Princess!" 

As soon as Niall left for the studio, I ran upstairs to the bathroom. I grabbed 

the pregnancy test I had hid under the towels in the closet and went to the 

toilet. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe while I waited for the results. 

"Breathe Y/N. Just breathe." I was so torn. I loved Niall with everything I had. 

We had talked about having a baby and I had no doubts that Niall would be the 

best father in the world. But I was still so scared. I didn't know how to be a 

parent. Sure, I could change a diaper and make a bottle. But I've never had to 

make the really tough decisions. How the hell am I supposed to know how to raise 

a baby?! My chest started heaving and I was having trouble breathing. Is this a 

panic attack? This is ridiculous. I just need to breathe. The most important 

thing a child's parents can do is love them no matter what right? I know that 

Niall and I would do that for our baby. And we'll have our family and friends to 

help us out in the beginning if we're totally clueless. I'm sure Maura wouldn't 

mind giving us some advice every now and then. After all, she and Bobby raised 

two great boys. They must know how to be good parents. "Just look Y/N. No matter 

what it says, you and Niall will be fine." I took a deep breathe and opened my 

eyes. Positive. 


I had gotten everything ready to tell Niall about the baby when he got home. I 

made his favorite dinner and got him a little surprise. I know Niall liked the 

idea of having a baby with me, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous to 

see his reaction. As I set the last of the plates on the table, I heard Niall 

pull up in the driveway. Here goes nothing. I could hear Niall unlock the door 

and ran to give him a hug. He opened his arms and held me tight. He gave me a 

kiss and then smiled at me. "hey Y/N" "hey Ni" "I missed you so much today Y/N. 

You have no idea how much I love coming home to you everyday." "I missed you too 

Niall" Then, Niall being Niall, said "hold on. Do I smell what I think I 

smell?!" I laughed. "Yes Niall. I made your favorite" "Then what are we doing 

standing here?! Let's eat!" After we sat down, Niall practically stuffed his 

face. But I couldn't help but love him. I kept twirling my food around my plate 

with my fork. I was still kind of nervous, and Niall noticed. "Babe what's 

wrong? You barely touched your food. Are you feeling okay?" "Well, I got you a 

present today. I'm pretty anxious to see if you like it. Wait here." I went and 

got the gift bag and sat back down. "I love presents!!" Niall looked like a kid 

on Christmas. Let's just hope he looks the same way after he hears the news. 

"Open this one backwards baby. Look at the gifts first and then open the card." 

"Sure thing princess." Niall pulled out the gifts and looked slightly confused. 

"Um babe? An Elmo guitar and a miniature soccer ball? You do know that I have 

plenty of ACTUAL guitars and soccer balls right? But thank you I guess." I 

figured he wouldn't get it right away. "Open the card and read it babe." Niall 

cleared his throat and opened the envelope. I watched as he read what I had 

written inside: "Dear daddy, I can't wait to meet you in nine months. We are 

going to have so much fun together. You can teach me to play guitar and soccer 

just like you. We can watch Derby on tv and yell at the players while mommy 

laughs at us. You can spoil me rotten when I get here. I know you and mommy will 

love me so much, and I will love you too. I can't wait to be just like you 

daddy. All my love, Baby Horan."  His eyes grew wider with each word he read. I 

held my breath in anticipation. When he looked up at me, he had tears in his 

eyes. "Babe, you're pregnant? We're really having a baby?!"  I nodded. "Yes 

Niall we are really having a baby." After he heard that, the biggest smile I 

have ever seen on his face broke out and he ran around the table. He picked me 

up and showered me with kisses. "I can't believe we're having a baby. I love you 

so much Y/N. So damn much. We are going to be the best parents ever. I have to 

tell my parents! And Greg and the lads! Will you tell them with me?" "Of course 

Niall." "Let's go right now!" I laughed at his excitement. "Niall, it's getting 

late. Shouldn't we just tell them all tomorrow?" "Not a chance! They'll want to 

hear this! Go jump in the car! I'll grab the keys." Then he ran off to get the 

keys. "Come on Y/N! What are you waiting for?" "I'm coming Niall!" I was relived 

that Niall was so excited. I have no idea what I was so worried about. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nine months later, I gave birth to James Matthew 

Horan. He had my hair color, Niall's nose, and thankfully Niall's beautiful 

eyes. The nurse handed him to me and Niall stood beside me, phone in hand. He 

turned it around to take a picture of the three of us. "Say cheese." He 

whispered. He snapped the picture and I wiped the tear that was falling down my 

cheek. "What is it Y/N?" "I smiled at him. "Our first family picture." Niall sat 

next to me on the bed and held James and I in his arms. "That's right. The first 

official Horan family photo." Niall kissed James and I. I passed James to Niall 

and laid down, exhausted after labor. I fell asleep to the sound of Niall 

singing James and I to sleep. I have no idea what I did to deserve such a 

perfect life. 

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