Surprising Him on Your Birthday

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**got the inspiration for this after seeing One Direction both nights they were in Philly**

Today was your birthday, and unfortunately Niall had a concert tonight so he wouldn't get to see you on your special day. Or so he thought. You and Harry had worked out the perfect plan. Harry had managed to score you a ticket to the show tonight, right near the catwalk. You blended into the crowd with you "I LOVE NIALL" shirt and your poster that read "Screw Cleopatra. I'm the real queen of the Niall." None of the other girls in the crowd saw you, and every time Niall walked past on the catwalk, you would hold your poster in front of your face so he wouldn't see you too soon. You enjoyed getting to watch the show and see your boyfriend in his element. However, he did seem a little less enthusiastic than he normally did. You knew he was upset because he couldn't see you on your birthday, but you didn't think it'd affect him this much.

Finally, the time came to put your plan in action. Harry came down the catwalk and asked "is there anybody celebrating a birthday today?" You, and practically every other girl in the stadium raised a hand. Harry came over to your section and pointed to you. He gave you a smile and a wink and asked "now, what's your name love?" Just then, Niall came running down after being handed his guitar and said "wait, today is Y/N's birthday! Since I can't be there with her today, I thought I could FaceTime her and we could all sing to her!" Harry seemed stuck for a moment but composed himself and said "Mate, that's a great idea! But... Well.... I've already picked this lovely lady, so how about we sing to her and then you can call Y/N?" Niall's smile faltered for a second but he smiled and said "okay, what's the name?" Harry smirked and said "we were just getting to that." He whispered to the security guard who then stepped aside to let you through. Niall was looking down and strumming his guitar. Harry grabbed your hand and pulled you up on stage. "What's your name love?" You grabbed Harry's microphone and said "my name's Y/N" . At the sound of your voice, Niall's head snapped up. "Y/N? Princess? You're here?!?!" You giggled as he ran up and threw his arms around you. He squeezed you tighter than ever before and you laughed. "Niall babe I love you too but I can't breathe!" Niall only pulled back enough to give you a long, passionate kiss. Harry cleared his throat and said "okay kids, let's keep it PG. Are we singing happy birthday or what?" Niall slipped his arm around your waste as everyone sang happy birthday to you. Not being a fan of attention, your tried to bury your face in Niall's shoulder but he wasn't having it. He wanted you to absorb every second of it. When the song was finished, Niall kissed you again and said " happy birthday princess. I love you so much." Realization spread across his face and he jumped up and down. " since you're here... WE ARE HAVING CAKE TONIGHT!!!!!!"

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