More of You to Love

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"I have nothing to wear." I thought to myself as I went through my closet for 

the fifth time in the past twenty minutes. There was nothing in here that I 

would feel confident wearing, and Niall was going to be home soon. Once he got 

home we were going to meet the boys and their girlfriends for dinner. I don't 

know why I was so worked up. No matter what I wore, I was going to look like a 

whale compared to the other girls. Why do they have to be so flawless? Actually, 

why do I have to be so flawed? I couldn't wait for all of the hate I was going 

to get on twitter after pictures of my outfit started circulating around the 

Internet. I deserve it anyway. I could feel the lump in my throat starting to 

form. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down. Tonight is supposed to be a 

night for Niall to go out with his best friends and relax. I can't just ruin it 

with more of my stupid drama. I heard Niall pull up in the drive way. Shit. I 

better hurry. I grabbed a simple black dress from the closet and threw it on. 

Niall did say he liked this dress on me anyway. He was probably just trying to 

make me feel good about myself. As if that could happen. I've been laughed at 

and made fun of too many times to believe a lie like that. I still don't know 

why Niall dates me. He probably just feels bad. I was drawn out of my thoughts 

by the sound of Niall racing up the stairs. "There you are princess! Almost 

ready to go?" He pulled me in for a kiss and I completely forgot about my 

earlier thoughts. I smiled at him when we pulled away. "Hey Ni. I'm almost 

ready. Can you just help me with this necklace?" He smirked at me and said 

"anything for you babe." He stepped behind me and latched the necklace for me. 

However, he didn't let go of it and step away like in assumed he would. Instead 

he placed one hand on my back and used the other one to slowly drag down the 

zipper of my dress. I squealed and jumped away. "Niall! We don't have time right 

now." "Come on princess! I've been gone all day and I really missed you." "As 

much as I want to Niall, we promised the boys we'd meet them for dinner and if 

we don't leave soon we'll be late!" "Fine but I can't promise you that I'll be 

able to keep my hands off of you during dinner. You know I love that dress." I 

gave him a weak smile. "Sure you do." I whispered just quietly enough for him to 

miss it. We made our way to the car and started the drive to the restaurant. The 

drive consisted of us singing along to the radio at the top of our lungs (Niall 

with his voice sounding like an angel and me with mine sounding like a drowning 

cat). We were laughing so hard that we had tears streaming down our cheeks and 

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