Chubby Bunny (Fluff)

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Mitch and Scott were sitting in their living room filming their new SuperFruit new video. This week they decided they'd do the chubby bunny challange "Chubby Bunny!!!" Scott muffled with 5 marshmellows in his mouth. It was hard for Mitch to keep his marshmellows in because of all of the laughing. He held up to marshmellows and put his fingers up to show two of them and put them in his mouth. "Chubby...Bunny!"  Mitch said trying to smile. Which made Scott laugh and all of his marshmellows to fall out. "I lose!!" Scott said acting sad. Mitch put his hands up in Victory. Scott kissed Mitch's cheek. Mitch's eyes were wide open. He spit his marshmellows out. "Scott! This is for SuperFruit! You can kiss me later!" Scott pouted. "But I wanna kiss you now!!" Mitch gave him a quick kiss and whispered. "You're editing this out later." Before pushing Scott down lightly onto the sofa and laying on top of him. Scott brought his hand up to Mitch's neck and pulled him closer until they were 3 centimeters apart. "Whatever you say. Just kiss me." Then Mitch leaned down and kissed him passionantley. Scott put his hands in Mitch's hair and gripped it lightly. Mitch bit down on Scott's bottom lip before getting up and straddling him. Scott sat up and gave Mitch a quick peck on  the cheek. They ended the video and went straight back to what they were doing. No one can separate those two.

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