My Little Nurse

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I woke up and instanly knew I was about to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and I was right. While I was, ya know puking, I felt someone rubbing my back. "You ok Scotty?"  Mitch asked rubbing my back some more. I felt his cold hand rub up and down my bare back. I couldn't even reply because I was back to vomiting again. "You're so hot." He pointed out. Then he giggled. I caught on and laughed a bit too. Once I was done, I got up and wiped my mouth and washed my face. Mitch felt my forehead. "You definently have a fever. Come lie down, babe. I'll get you some water and some drugs." He pulled me to my bed. I laughed. "Drugs?" I said in a hoarse voice. "Yes! Drugs! Now don't talk! You have to save that beautiful singing voice of yours!" He smiled before kissing my forehead and walking out to get my "drugs." 

He came back a couple mintutes later with ibuprofen and some Advil and water to help with my fever. Mitch has been by my the whole entire day. When did I get so lucky? "Here, I'll help you take your medicine." He kneeled down next to me on the bed. I pulled myself up and rested on my elbows. "Ok open your mouth." I did as he told me and he put them into my mouth. He reached over me and and grabbed the water from the night stand. He handed me the water bottle and I took a big chug, The water was so cold. It definently helped with me feeling like I am on fire because I was burning up so badly. "Poor baby.." Mitch said grabbing my hand and interlocking our hands. I let out a cough. "Drink some more water, It'll help." I took the water from his hands. "Thank you." I smiled. "No problem." He smiled. "Mitchie?" I said. "Yes?" He said laying down on the pillow next to me. "Can we watch some movies?" I sneezed after I said it. Mitch giggled. "Of course we can sweetheart." He smiled getting up. "What do you want to watch?" I though for a while. "I want to watch Tangled!" I said. "Tangled?" He rose his eyebrows. I pouted. "Yes, Tangled." He put his hands up. "Alright you win, big guy" he went to get the laptop. He came back. "Why couldn't we just watch on the tv?" I asked as he slid into the bed with me. "Because I want to cuddle with you!" He smiled. "I'm sick." I informed him. "And I'm Mitch! I don't care if your sick or not, we are cuddling." For the rest of the day, we watched Disney movies. Just before Mitch could go to sleep I said. "Thanks for taking care of me my little nurse." He moved his head up and kissed my cheek. Then he sneezed. "Getting sick?" I asked. He sniffled. "Oh shut up." He said before sneezing again.

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