Chapter 29

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Maggie's POV:

"What were you thinking ?! You can't just run around in the middle of the night!" My aunt shouts. I shrug. Why is she shouting at me? Getting hit by a car wasn't my intention. I'm so tired and want home.

She quickly looks over at me and then back to the road. "I'm sorry sweetheart but I just don't want anything happen to you. Your mom wouldn't forgive me and I wouldn't forgive myself either." she sighs.

I smile weakly at her but don't say anything. I lean my head against the window. Shawn looked hurt when I didn't talk to him but I just don't know what to do. Everytime I look him in the eyes, I remember that he loves someone else.

That he's never gonna feel the same way. I'm just one of his best friends but it breaks my heart that we are not gonna be more. The problem is that I can't ignore him forever.

He would find out why I'm ignoring him and our friendship would be ruined. We arrive at home and I walk into my room. "Do you want to stay home tomorrow? It's okey if you want to." My aunt says walking in with tea and sandwiches. I could stay home for one day.

Then I don't have to see Shawn or anyone else. "Yeah I'll stay home and thanks but I'm not hungry." I say. "Maggie you have to eat something. At least a bit and drink the tea." she answers stroking over my hair. She leaves the room and I sip at the cup of tea and lay down, falling asleep in seconds.

Shawn's POV:
I wake up with the sun shining through the windows. I sigh closing my eyes again. I don't want to get up. "Shaaaawn wake up." I hear Aaliyah screaming. A pillow hits my face. "Mhmm." I hum in response.

Today's Thursday. Only two more days until it's weekend. I remember what happened yesterday. I still don't get why she wouldn't talk to me. Maybe she was shocked? I decided to text her.
You: Good morning princess x hope you are feeling better now💕 text me when you see this!
I eat breakfast and drive to school. "Any news from Maggie?" Luc asks while walking towards our next class. "No she still didn't answer. Do you know anything?" "No she hasn't answered me either but I haven't seen her anywhere.

I think she's at home." He replies. "Yeah you're right." I sigh sitting down at my table. Luc sits next to me. "Does Leah know?" "If Maggie hasn't told her then I think not." I shrug. A few moment Leah walks in.

Our eyes meet and I slightly smile but she quickly looks away. Oh well. I think it's gonna take time till we talk again. The rest of the day went by pretty fast. Now I sit in my room thinking about a way to cheer Maggie up again.

Watching a movie and eating pizza? She would like it but I want to do something special. Hmmm. I know something! I quickly run down the stairs. "Where are you going Shawn?" my mom asks furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh hey mom. I'll be back later!" I reply.

Taking my jacket, I run to my jeep. About 15 minutes later I arrive at Shelley's house. I ring the bell while knocking onto the door. Come on! The door opens. "Woah Shawn, calm down. What are you doing here?" Shelley asks confused. "Hey Shell, do you still have some of the little kittens?" I ask smiling.

"Yeah I still have three. Why? Do you want one?" she answers. "Yes that would be great. How much?" " Shawn don't worry you are getting it for free." She laughs walking in with me following her. "Since when do you like cats so much?" she asks surprised. "It's not for me it is for Maggie.

She got hit by a car yesterday and now I want to cheer her up." I explain taking the little kitten. It's almost completely black. Just the nose and one paw is white and it has greenish eyes. "What?" Shelley breaths out. "I didn't even know. Is she okey?" She adds. "Yes she is okey. A few bruises but nothing serious." I answer.

"Okey thank god." she whispers. We walk to the door and I say goodbye. "Now go and get your girl Shawn!" Shelley shouts after me. I turn around and laugh awkwardly. "Yeah. See you!" I drive home again. I walk into the kitchen with the little kitten in my hand. "Mom do we have a box?" I ask.

She gives me a strange look but answers anyway. "Yeah here." she says handing me one. I cut small holes in the box and place a blanket in it. I put light red wrapping paper around it also cut holes in it.

Again I walk to my car, laying the box with the kitten on the passenger seat. Before I head towards Maggie's house I get burgers and fries. I hope she'll like it. With the stuff in my hands I walk towards the front door.

I ring the bell and Maggie's aunt opens the door. "Oh hello Shawn! I guess you're here for Maggie. She's upstairs." she says smiling. I thank her and walk upstairs. I knock at her door. "Maggie?"

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