Chapter 42

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Maggie's POV:
I said it. I told my best friend that I love him. I'm too scared of his reaction so I close my eyes. "Maggie..." he whispers and I look up to him. Before I could react, he gently smashes his lips onto mine.

I immediately kiss back and sigh. I cup his cheeks with my hands and stand on my tip toes. His lips are so soft. He grabs my thighs and puts me onto the counter, standing between my legs.

I tangle my fingers into his curls and pull back but Shawn lays his hand into my neck and kisses me again. I start to smile as I feel him smiling too. "I love you too. So much." he mumbles between kisses.

After a while we pull back breathless. Shawn's forehead is touching mine. "I always have." Shawn whispers causing me to smile even more if that's possible. I peck his lips and stroke a curl which his hanging onto his forehead back.

„I should have done that way sooner." he says smirking. "Yeah you should have, Mendes." I laugh. "About Leah..." he starts. "Let's not talk about her now." I answer and kiss his cheek. No one could ruin this moment. "Okey" he smiles.

„But I have to ask you something." His facial expression gets more serious. I know what he's going to ask. "Who is Damian and what about him?" "Shawn... he's my ex boyfriend and I really don't wanna talk about this now." I sigh.

"Okey but promise you won't keep this from me?" he asks and taps my nose. "I promise." I say giggling. "Now let's go to sleep." he says and I open my arms.

He laughs and carries me into his room with my legs around his torso. I kiss his neck causing him to almost stumble over the stairs. "Be careful." I chuckle.  "Don't distract me." he mocks laughing. He lays me onto the cool covers and I quickly get under the blanket.

Shawn cuddles up next to me, putting an arm around me. I couldn't be more happy right now. I face his chest and look up to him smiling. He strokes my cheek and gives me one long kiss.

„Goodnight hunny." he says yawning. "Goodnight Shawnie." I snuggle into him and feel Shawn's lips and my head before I fall asleep.

Shawn's POV:
I wake up shivering. It's so cold in my still dark room. 1:30 am is standing on my alarm clock.
I hear a light sigh and remember who's lying next to me. I start me grin.

Maggie stole my blanket. I roll over to her and pull the blanket to me. "Hmmm" I feel her moving. "Shawn." she says in a sleepy voice. "Yeah?" She groans again and scoots closer to me. "What are you doing?" I chuckle.

„I'm cold." she whines. "Come here." I whisper, opening my arms. She crawls on top of me and and lays her head on my chest, sighing. "Comfortable?" "Mhm" I could feel her smiling as I start to stroke over her back.

I close my eyes and was about to fall asleep again as Maggie sits up on top of me. The light turns on in my room and I squeeze my eyes shut. "Why did you turn the light on?" I ask, rubbing my eyes. "You woke me up and now I can't sleep." she says and crosses her arms.

"Come on, let's just turn the lights off and sleep." I mumble almost drifting off to sleep again. "Didn't you just hear me?" I feel a pillow hit my face but I don't move. "Wake uuup." Maggie whines and throws again a pillow on my face.

I quickly grab her wrists and turn us over so I'm laying on top of her now. I put my whole weight on her. "S-shawn get off me." she coughs and tries to wiggle away from me. I don't move. "Shaaawn." she giggles.

You know that I'm stronger than you, hun?" I ask grinning and prop up on my elbows. She takes in a deep breath, raising her eyebrows. I laugh and kiss her cute nose. "Let's go somewhere." she says and stands up.

"What?" "Let's go somewhere come on!" She walks to her closet to take a hoodie and jeans out, putting it on. "Maggie it's about 2 am. Come back to bed. We can do something later today." I groan, putting a pillow over my head.

"No Shawn! Stand up I wanna show you something!" she whispers and kisses my neck. I don't move. I'm too tired. She stands up and walks into the bathroom. I hear her doing something but I turn to the other side and continue sleeping .

Suddenly I could feel ice cold water on my back making me jump. "Oh my god." I shout. Maggie just laughs at me. "Are you awake now?" I just glare at her and take off my wet shirt. "Wow." she whispers.

I start to grin and stand up to walk over to her. "Do you like what you see?" I whisper into her ear and kiss it softly. "Come on now. Let's go!" she sighs and pushes me a bit back. I also put a hoodie and Jeans on. It's no use to discuss with her.

As we walk downstairs I could hear the door open. It was Aaliyah... with a boy?! "We have to be quiet. I don't know if my brother or parents are home." Aaliyah whispers and they walk to her room.

When she sees me she stops immediately. Her eyes wide. "What do you think you are doing?" I ask, crossing my arms.

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