Chapter 73

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Shawn's POV:
The next few seconds everything feels like it happens in slow motion. Maggie's lying on shattered pieces of the broken glass table, looking almost lifeless.

Her stepfather turns around and as he sees me, he starts to make his way over to me. „Get out!" he shouts. Before he could reach me, I take a step forward and punch him with all the strength I have.

Holding his nose he stumbles back and eventually falls to the ground, staying there probably unconscious. „Maggie!" I gasp and rush over to her. The shards are already drenched in her blood, some of them sticking in her body.

Thank god she's still breathing but only slow. „C-come on. You have to stay with me okey?" I sob, fumbling around in my pocket to get my phone. Quickly, I call the ambulance. „Honey please open your eyes. Please." I beg her, carefully wrapping my hoodie around a bleeding wound on her arm.

A big glass shard is sticking in her left thigh but she would only loose even more blood if I pull it out, so I don't take it away. „Maggie you can't do that to me. Do you hear me? I dare you, don't leave me." I whisper, my voice cracking.

The tears running down my cheeks uncontrollably. I gently take her head into my hands, noticing that she also has a wound in her head along with some bruises on her jaw and cheek. How could I let all of this happen? 

After another minute which felt like an eternity, I hear the sirens of the ambulance. „You are going to be okey. Just hold on please." I say, trying my best not to break down right now. „Hello? The ambulance is here!" I hear someone call. „In here! Come fast!" I shout.

Three men and one woman run into the room, quickly pulling me away from Maggie. „Please help her." I sob, trying to get near her again but one of them holds me back from it. „She has already lost too much blood. We have to take her to the hospital as fast as possible." The brown haired ambulance man says to the other.

They put her onto a carrier and hurriedly leave to room. I start to run after them but the other man has still a tight grip on my arm.

„I'm sorry sir but the police is almost here. We need someone to explain what happened." he tells me, letting go of my arm. „He's breathing and also shows no signs of bruises." The woman informs, while kneeling besides Aron. „Good. We'll bring him to the ambulance." the man answers.

„I don't know what happened! I only know that this *sshole did it! I have to go to the hospital!" I shout, furiously. „Sir I understand your worry but they are taking good care of her. You can't do anything right now. It would be more helpful if you stay here and explain to the police." he says preventing me from leaving.

After another few minutes of arguing, the police arrives. I tell them what I know. I mean it's obvious that it was her stepfather but was this the first time? Or is he hitting her for longer now? Oh god... what if this wasn't the first time?

They drive me to the hospital and I quickly call Luc and the others. I'm sitting in the waiting room, nervously tapping my foot. I pull on my hair frustratedly. Maggie's stepfather is hitting her.... for how long was this going on that it escalated like this?

What if I wouldn't have been there? She would be still lying there probably...dying. No. I can't think like that. I was there and she will be okey, won't she? I look up as I hear footsteps, hoping it would be a doctor with new information but it isn't.

„Shawn! What happened? Where's Maggie?" Luc asks worriedly, while approaching me with Shelley, Leah, Aiden and Jackson. „She's still undergoing surgery." I sigh, standing up as they pull me into a hug. We sit down on the chairs again and I start to tell them what happened.

„What..." Leah mumbles. „How could we not notice? What kind of friends are we!" she adds, walking up and down the hall. „Horrible friends." Shelley mutters, leaning back into the chair. „I was her boyfriend! I should have seen it! But why didn't I? I could have stopped all this-."

„Shawn, please don't blame everything on you now. It's not your fault. You probably saved her life." Luc interrupts me. „Yeah but only probably. What if it was already too late? There was so much blood..." I say, tears starting to escape my eyes again. I wipe them away and put my face into my hands.

„Shawn... we are talking about Maggie. She can do that. I'm sure." he reassures me but honestly there's nothing he could say right now, that would make me less worried. Why is the surgery taking so long?

About an hour passes by. My mom and Aaliyah also came here in the meanwhile, which I'm very glad for. Mom always keeps calm in situations like this.

Finally a doctor makes his way over to us. He has an unreadable expression on his face, making even more worried.

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