8. Yo Das Gay

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As the last few days of the week went by, Thomas noticed Alexander being more open and conversational. In comparison, the beginning of week made Alex seem way more closed off than Thomas originally thought. He didn't know what Peggy was doing, but he didn't want her to stop. 

Hamilton didn't even have to talk to her every day, he'd only went over there a total of twice, maybe three times. Jefferson figured that talking about whatever happened was helping. As for the nights, there hadn't been any more incidents where Alexander was beyond terrified of Thomas, which he classified as a win. 

To celebrate the change, Jefferson decided to take him out on a Friday night date. Not a fancy dinner date or anything, but maybe to go see a movie. Or they'd stay in and watch a movie and call it a date because if there's one thing that Alex didn't lose, it was his need to point everything the characters were doing as stupid, cliched, or overall unrealistic. 

Thomas walked out of the building, holding the door for Washington as he did. 

"So," George started slowly, hinting that he wanted something. "I'm inviting Burr over for a dinner get together tonight. Madison, too, if he isn't sick. . . "

"Washington, you aren't our dad you don't have to feed us!"

"You assholes are too skinny and you need more food!" George reasoned. "But no, I was hoping you and your special guy could come along. Bring little Philip, too, Burr usually brings his daughter." 

"Do I get on the boss's good side if I come?"


"We'll be there." 

"Great! Tonight, six, you can bring something if you like, but Martha always cooks enough to feed an army anyway so it's not required." Washington smiled and left to his own car, leaving Thomas to wonder how he was going to convince Alex to come to dinner with his boss and colleagues. 

Halfway through the drive back to his house, Jefferson just decided to wing it and hope Alex wanted to go.

As soon as he was home, Thomas saw Hamilton and Lucy sitting in front of the T.V. with an aggressive game of Mario Kart going. Anna and Randolph were sitting behind them, cheering for who they wanted to win with the same enthusiasm as if they were at a football game. Alex was sitting on his knees, moving his entire body with every turn. Lucy was relaxing against the table, barely moving her hands. 

"Just give it up, Alex! You aren't going to win," Lucy said condescendingly. 

"I will not accept defeat!"

"Yeah! Show her who's the best at Mario Kart!" Anna screeched from next to Hamilton. 

"Come, Luc, don't let that lame-o beat you! Uphold your title!" Randolph stuck out his tongue at Anna, which almost got him punched, but he saw Thomas standing in the doorway. "Hey, Tom! They're playin' the game, guess who's winning!" 

"I'm gonna say. . . Lucy?"

"Ooh, not siding with your boyfriend?" Anna said, clicking her tongue. "Low blow, Tommy, low blow. . ." 

"He just knows who's the best," Lucy laughed with a shrug after winning yet again. Hamilton groaned. 

"Thanks a lot, Thomas! You jinxed me and I lost." he set up another game and prepared himself to play again. 

Thomas rolled his eyes and sat on the table behind Alex and let his arms rest on the shorter man's shoulders. 

"Ugh, guys, could you maybe save the gay until after the Mario Kart Olympics?" Lucy groaned. "Ain't nobody wanting to see your sappy domestic crap." 

Alexander took a second to lean his head up for a kiss and without a word, Thomas knew that it was to gross out his siblings. Naturally, being the great big brother he was, he played into it. Anna, Randolph, and Lucy all made fake gagging sounds, which just made the other two laugh. 

After the game was over, Thomas shooed the kids away to finish the homework that they probably didn't even start. They all groaned yet again but didn't argue. As soon as they were out of the living room, Hamilton turned to face the other. 

"So, we staying in for the weekend again?" he asked hopefully. 


It was Alexander's turn to groan. 

"Oh shut it, my boss invited us to dinner. A couple of my colleagues'll be there too, so he wants us to bring Pip. One of his best friends is gonna be there. Think of it as a date."

"A date? I don't know, Tommy, that sounds pretty gay." 

"Which is why it's coming out of my mouth, you in or what?"

Alex shrugged and stood up, stretching. "Yeah, I guess I could use some time away from Mario Kart." 

Thomas smiled and stood up, too. "Great, I'll call Eliza to tell her that we're picking up Philip!"

The three arrived at around six fifteen because nobody could find Philip's other shoe, which was gracefully hidden in the sink cabinet for some reason. Thomas rang the doorbell. 

"Oh, he might try to adopt you, by the way," he said right before George opened the door. 

"Wait what--"

"Thomas! So glad you could make it! And with little Philip!" Martha Washington reached down and pinched his cheeks. "Theodosia's playing with the toys in the living room." 

"Theo!" Philip squealed, letting go of Alex's hand and running inside. 

"Well, come in," the woman said, gesturing for the follow. "it's freezing out, you'll catch a cold like that poor James." 

Thomas noticed Alex stiffen slightly after she said that. 

"You okay?" He whispered. 

"Yeah, just a common name." Ham waved it off and Jefferson decided not to push it while they were at the dinner. 

"They act like parents to basically everyone younger than them," he whispered instead as they walked in. 

It didn't take long for the Washingtons to take to Alexander, either, like Thomas expected. By the time they were all sitting and eating, they were asking the couple about what their plans were for the future, children, marriage, everything domesticated. In the end, they decided maybe on the marriage and a no for kids, since they could just take in Philip whenever they wanted one. He was enough to satisfy that need without having to actually have a kid. 

"So," Burr said, swallowing a mouthful of mashed potatoes. "how long have you two known each other, then?" 

Thomas was going to avoid the question, but before he could, without missing a beat, Alexander said, "six years. Since freshman year of college, right?" He looked at Thomas, telling him to play along. 

"Yup, and I could not stand you, darlin'."

"And that feeling was more than mutual, dear."

"So you hated each other and now you love each other?" Aaron asked, looking at the two with something that wasn't quite a confused look. 

Hamilton shrugged and slipped his hand effortlessly into Jefferson's. 

"You two. . ." he shook his head like a parent talking about the trends of the generation with a smile on his face. 

"Well, what about you, Burr?" George said. "You're having a wonderful time pestering Thomas and Alexander about their relationship, how are you and Theodosia Sr. doing?"

Burr's smile fell. "Actually, my wife has come down with something that her doctor's think is," he glanced nervously at a kid's table that the Washingtons bought for these occasions where Philip and Theo were sticking baby carrots in their mouths like vampire fangs. "they think it's pretty serious, they're running tests and things like that but. . ." he trailed off and the table got quiet. 

It took a second before Martha changed the subject to how she and George met, which was always a fun story to hear in Thomas's opinion.

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