13. Dear Theodosia, Your Dad Kinda Sucks

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Thomas walked with Burr down the halls, holding doors as they walked and talked since Burr was shorter (despite being older) even though Thomas couldn't think of anyone that bothered him more than his coworker. The day was over and both were heading home, talking about the newest events. 

"So what's the word on our wife?" Thomas asked, though he probably already knew the answer. 

"They don't she's gonna make it," Aaron muttered. "I don't know how to tell Teddy, she's just. . ."

"She's too young to understand," Jefferson offered. 

"Exactly. But I can't act like her mom isn't--" the other man cut himself off. "I'll figure something out."

"Alex and I could watch her more if you need. Philip and Georges both like playing with her, I could just start a babysitting service." 

"I just might take you up on that," Burr said. He ran a hand over his face. "Could I drop her off tonight? I want to go visit Theo." 

Thomas thought for a second to make sure he didn't have anything planned for the night. "Yeah, that'd be fine." 

Burr nodded and the conversation got quiet as they got into the parking lot. They both went to their respective cars after Aaron clarified that it might be an overnight thing, which Jefferson was fine with, considering Thomas was going to Eliza's anyway and he usually just stayed the night whenever he did.

Before going to Eliza's, Jefferson stopped to grab Alex, drag him to the store, pick up some snacks and things to keep the kids from destroying anything, and actually go to pick up Georges. It took a little longer to get out of that house because both Hercules and Lafayette were still playing parents to Alexander. Laf even checked Alex's temperature for some reason.

Finally, though, they got to Eliza's place and Burr dropped Theodosia off. 

"Okay, so you'll be here to get her in the morning?"

"Most likely," Burr said, handing over her Hello Kitty bag. "If not, I'll let you know or I'll send Charles or something--"

"You're going to send your boyfriend to pick up your daughter while you're visiting your sick wife. Seriously?"

Thomas saw Alex gently push Theo inside more, probably to keep her away from a conversation she didn't need to hear. 

"That seems real great there, Burr."

"You've had affairs too, Thomas." 

"Yeah, in high school. You're a grown man with a child. How do you think that's going for her, huh?"

"Jefferson, you are nothing more to me than a coworker and one of the guardians to my daughter's friend, I don't need you to lecture me."

Aaron shoved some money at Thomas and walked off. Thomas flipped him off as he went and went back inside where the two boys were already chasing their friend around the living room. Alex and Eliza were watching in the kitchen. 

"So what's the word on his wife?" Eliza asked, pushing herself to sit on the counter to listen.

"They don't think she's going to make it," Thomas whispered. 

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