15. Petty Petty Petty Petty

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Thomas woke up the next morning in the bed, despite falling asleep against the wall with Alexander. Which was another thing that was different, Hamilton wasn't in the room and the thermostat was turned up to make the room a cozy temperature. It took him a second to actually get out of the bed, partially because he didn't want to get up and realize that Alex was still gone and everything up to that point was a sick dream, partially because the stupid temperature was too damn cozy. 

Finally, he got up and grabbed his worn-out letterman that Alex yet again claimed as his own. It was probably going to take one hell of an apology to win the stubborn man over, so grabbing his favorite thing to wear might help.

He went into the kitchen with the jacket over his arm to see Alexander sitting at the table helping the kids with their homework that they couldn't figure out. The twins were sitting on either side of him with Spanish work and Lucy was sitting in front of him with algebra. 

"Anna, you ready?" Alex asked, not noticing Thomas standing at the foot of the stairs. 

"I think so." She didn't look at all ready. 


"Praise?" Anna said immediately. 

"Great job!" Ham patted her on the back as she smiled and jotted down the answer. "Okay, Randy, you're up."

"I think I'm learning enough from watching her get 'em right," the boy muttered. 

"Nope, you need to get some practice too. In Spanish, what is she to you?" Alex asked, pointing to Anna.



"Hermana gemela?"

"Great! Work on that accent a little, though." Alex smiled and high fived him from across the table. He leaned over to see what Lucy was doing, catching sight of Thomas on the stairs. As soon as he realized Thomas was there, he scowled.

"Pop quiz, whoever can tell me what this means gets a free pass. Él no sabe cómo dejar las cosas solo." Hamilton said, crossing his arms. Everyone looked up at Thomas but since Lucy wasn't taking Spanish and the twins were still on simple words and phrases, none of them knew. 

"Guys, could you go back upstairs so I can talk to Alex?" Thomas asked lightly, more the sake of keeping the other man at least not hilariously angry. 

"But he's helpin' with our homework!" Lucy argued.

"That's what your older siblings are for. Rooms, now." 

"Is about your fight last night?" Anna asked. Everyone looked at her like she was crazy so she explained, "Lotta yelling."

"It wasn't a fight," Thomas clarified. 

"I'd say it was," Alex muttered under his breath.

"Come on, get outta here, you have to go get ready for school anyway," Thomas said, shooing his siblings out of the room. They all left, grumbling the whole way. 

Jefferson watched them leave and turned back to Alex, who was already making his way over to the coffee maker that was steaming with freshly made caffeinated bean water. Thomas stood in front of the side-door just in case Alex was planning on running away from the conversation. Literally. 

"Can we talk, please?" Thomas asked as sweetly as possible, putting the Letterman around Alex's shoulders.

"No, talking is exactly what started this in the first place. Remember?" Alex said, shrugging the jacket off and turning to grab a mug. 

"I didn't-- Look, that wasn't supposed to happen, okay? I just want to know what's going on with you so I know how to help more! You can't just push it away and hope it goes away Alex. You're smarter than that." 

"Not smart enough to stop mouthing off, apparently," Alexander muttered. He rolled his eyes when he saw Thomas wasn't lightening his mood. "Dark humor, Thomas. Coping mechanisms?"

Jefferson sighed and gently took the cup of coffee away from Hamilton, setting it on the counter. 

"Last night you said that I wasn't there for you, and that's what hurt you the most. I'm here for you now, okay? I'm right here and I want to stay right here so I can help you, but I need to know when things are getting bad. I can't read your mind and Peggy respects your privacy, so it's on you to let me know when you need the help." 

Alexander stayed quiet, focusing his attention on the bubbles from the creamer in his coffee. Thomas grabbed his face and gently moved it so they were looking at each other. He noticed tears welling in Hamilton's eyes. 

Alex nodded and Thomas sighed. 

"Thank you," he breathed, pulling a chair up to sit in. Hamilton grabbed his cup and sat on the floor, sipping away and avoiding eye contact. 

"See, look at that! That was communication and that's what makes a healthy relationship!" Thomas cheered. 

"Oh please, sarcasm works just the same," Alexander laughed. 

It was quiet for a second while Thomas watched Alex drink his coffee. He hadn't brushed his hair yet, so it was pulled back in a half bun. He was wearing one of Thomas's shirts and a pair of joggers, which were both slightly too big but he really didn't seem to care. 

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Alex laughed again, smirking up at Thomas. 

Jefferson rolled his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me any of that sooner? You've been saying it was like getting grounded so. . . why try to hide it?"

Ham shrugged. "I didn't want you to decide that after all that it just wasn't worth keeping me around." 

"So instead of discussing it, you left me this morning and did what you could to make sure I wouldn't wake up?"

"Being honest, I was planning on leaving completely." 

Thomas didn't know how to reply so he just let it sink in that he was planning on leaving completely. 

"But then I realized that you're pretty pathetic when I'm gone because you don't know how to function without me," Hamilton smirked and Thomas rolled his eyes. 

"Oh shut up," Thomas laughed. 

"See, you're smiling cause you know I'm right!" Alexander accused as he stood up. Jefferson got up too and went over to Alex. 

"You're completely right, loudmouth," he said, pressing a kiss to Alex's cheek. 

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