forty three

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Sunday 7:52 AM

me: i don't think we should

seagull oppa: it will be better if we did

me: what would be better

seagull oppa: i have to go

me: no what

me: don't leave without answering me

Sunday 9:06 AM

jimin: hey

me: hi

jimin: what is up?

me: i don't know honestly

me: jungkook texted me saying he think we should break up

me: and i told him i don't think we should

me: then he replied that it would be better if we did and left

jimin: that little brat

jimin: are you okay?

me: well i am not happy right now

me: i may be sad right now

me: but i will manage

me: do you know why he thinks we should break up?

jimin: possibly

me: spill

jimin: i probably shouldn't but okay

jimin: jungkook came home from his meeting yesterday like around noon and when i went to go ask him what the meeting was for, he told me it was about this situation that had happen at the park

jimin: basically when you and him were at the park, he saw these people that were taking pictures but they weren't reporters, they were those invasive people i was telling you about

jimin: they sent the pictures they took to our ceo saying if you and jungkook did not break up, they were going to send the pictures off to different news sources with made up and private information about you

me: ooh wow

me: thank you

me: for telling me

me: and i assume he chose the break up choice

jimin: yeah, he is an airhead sometimes

jimin: i told him to just ignore it

jimin: he didn't like officially break up with you, right?

me: not really, he said it was better and then left

me: is that why you have been texting me so much these two days?

jimin: i didn't want you to be upset alone or left out of the loop

me: aww

jimin: i am going to talk to him

me: don't push him to do something he doesn't want to

me: like don't force him into staying with me if he actually truly wants to break up

jimin: no don't worry about that

jimin: i know he doesn't want to break up with you

jimin: he likes you a lot

jimin: you are literally what he talks and thinks about on a daily basis

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