bonus 1: job

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alright before we start, please note and remember that all these chats or bonuses aren't following each other day after day but they are after a few weeks. like this one is after a few weeks from the last chapter and then the next bonus is a few weeks later

(Her POV)

Friday 6:32 PM

me: men are shit

jungoo oppa: yes we are

jungoo oppa: what did we do this time

me: not take no for an answer

jungoo oppa: :(

jungoo oppa: what happened

me: so you know how i have work today?

jungoo oppa: yes, yes i know

me: this guy came in and started to flirt with me to get my number

me: so i told him no because i don't do those kinds of things

me: and he persisted and i told him i have a boyfriend

me: he told me, "that's what cheating is for baby"

me: and i told him no again

me: then he started to get mad which made my manager come out

me: and the dickhead had the audacity to tell my manager that i was ignoring and being rude to him

jungoo oppa: then what happened

me: my manager fired me

jungoo oppa: so you don't have a job now?

me: that is correct

jungoo oppa: do you want me to go there and fuck them up

me: lmao no jungkook don't

jungoo oppa: are you sad?

me: not really

me: the manager and the owner were old and perverted anyways

jungoo oppa: you worked under perverted men for all this time and you didn't tell me

jungoo oppa: i'll really go over there and fuck them up

me: nooO don't

jungoo oppa: what are you going to do now?

me: i really don't know

me: i saw an opening to be a nursing assistant the other day

jungoo oppa: are you going to apply for it?

me: maybe, i'll have to think about it

jungoo oppa: i gotta go, baby

jungoo oppa: we'll talk about this later

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