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Monday 1:07 PM

idoldude: send a picture of you

me: no

idoldude: you know how i look, show me how you look

me: why does it matter

idoldude: because i want to know how you look

me: *send a picture*

idoldude: are you sure that is you? you could get in trouble for pretending to be someone else you know

me: no, that is me. i do not have the time to find an attractive person and pretend to be her over the internet

idoldude: ...

me: can i get back to studying now??

idoldude: you look different from what i expected

me: well uh surprise? what did you think i would look like?

idoldude: i thought you would look worse

me: should i take that as a compliment?

idoldude: i don't know

idoldude: i have to go to practice, bye

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