thirty five

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Thursday 9:18 AM

oppa: good morning

me: you too, good morning

oppa: you start classes today?

me: yep

oppa: what is your schedule like?

me: uuhh i have 2 classes today, one at 9:30 AM and the other 3:30 PM

me: tuesdays and fridays i have no classes

me: mondays i have one at 10:00 AM and wednesdays i have one at 4:00 PM

oppa: oh wow, it is not that bad

me: yeah it isn't, i am glad

oppa: are you excited?

me: why would i be excited about going to classes again?

oppa: i don't know, maybe you are one of those people who like going to class

me: well i am not one of those people

oppa: oh

oppa: what are you doing?

me: i literally just explained to you my class schedule

me: i am going to class

oppa: oops my bad

me: do you not pay attention to what i tell you?

oppa: hehe

me: wow

me: what are you doing?

oppa: i am heading to practice

me: oh yeah, do you feel better?

oppa: i do feel a lot better

me: i am glad

me: i gotta go, my class is starting soon

me: don't get hurt during practice

oppa: i know i know

oppa: good luck on your classes!!

Thursday 6:43 PM

oppa: hey

oppa: how was your day?

me: it wasn't the best day

oppa: what happened?

me: stuff

oppa: what kind of stuff

me: tiring stuff i guess

oppa: what stuff happened today

me: things

oppa: teeell me babe

me: okay fine

me: throughout the day i was indirectly or directly told that i am not a good person, i am selfish, i need to stay in my lane, i am using you for your fame and money, i am ugly, i should just back up, i will mess up your career

me: oh and my personal favorite: i photo shopped the pictures then sent them to a media station

oppa: you know all of that isn't true right?

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