fifty two

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Tuesday 2:16 PM

seagull oppa: hey baby

seagull oppa: i am sorry i couldn't text you good morning earlier, I was pulled into my schedule right when i woke up

me: no no, it is fine

me: i've been busy with doing my school work anyways

seagull oppa: oohh

seagull oppa: did you finish?

me: kind of

seagull oppa: is it the same work you were getting stressed over the other day?

me: yeah, i finally figured that out

seagull oppa: i am glad

seagull oppa: what are you going to do the rest of the day?

me: uh, probably finishing the rest of my homework and then i don't know

me: how about you?

seagull oppa: i am in practice right now but later i am hanging out with some of my old classmates

me: ooohh, that is nice

me: what are you guys doing?

seagull oppa: they want to go bowling and eat and then probably get drinks

me: wow, well have fun on your bro date

seagull oppa: yeees

seagull oppa: speaking of dates, have we ever had an actual date?

me: what do you mean?

me: were all our other dates fake?

seagull oppa: noooo like one where it was not cut short

me: ooh, i don't know

seagull oppa: i don't think we've had one that wasn't cut short

me: oh

seagull oppa: i am sorry

me: what, no

me: there is no need to be sorry

seagull oppa: but you like deserve better

me: stop saying that

seagull oppa: well it is true

me: shut up, no it is not

seagull oppa: yes it is

me: oh my god

me: why do you keep saying that?

me: are you trying to break up with me?

me: because if you are, please just flat out say it

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