🎵Team 20🎵

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((Y/n) pov)

This is the big day.The big day that I win that piston cup.I always dreamed to earn it.Expect my mother and father would say girls can't race...until now.I'm the first female to race and maybe win that cup.Even thought it's just an empty cup I still want to show them that girls can do the same things as men.I made sure my race car was good in shape.I imagine if cars can actually talk,but that's impossible."(Y/n)!!"I heard."Oh no."I muttered.I was tackled in two hugs.One of them was choking me."Okay.Okay.Let me...breath."I said.The two person let me go.I looked to see my sisters Mia and Tia."It's great to see you girls."I said with my Austria accent.(You have an Australia accent.)"We missed you so much!"said Mia.I laughed."Hey where's,Julian?"I said."Oh...um....."started Tia and shuffling her feet.I bend down to the girls level."What is it,mate?"I said worried."Well....it's hard to say,but....go where team 100 is."said Mia.Which confused me."Alright,but I can't leave you girls alone."I said thinking.An idea popped in my head."Savannah!"I yelled.Savannah my crew chief ran over to me."Yes,(Y/n)?"She said fixing her glasses."Do you mind taking care of my sisters?"I said."Sure,but where your going it better be quickly.You only have 19 minutes left."said Savannah."I will."I said as I ran to where the team 100 was.Trying to avoid the reports and fans.

*Where team 100 is*

"Hey (Y/n)!"I heard my good friend Marco."Marco!"I yelled and hugged him.He hugged me back.We pulled away."Hey have you seen Julian?"I said looking around."O-Oh he's with Kimberly."said Marco sad."Why....Nevermind."I said.I went to search for Kimberly and Julian.Until I heard moaning behind the station.I quietly walked to the back.The garage down was open.I slowly popped my head to see Julian kissing Kimberly.I felt hot tears forming in my eyes.I quickly and quietly walked away.Once I was far away I ran,but accidentally bumped into Todd."Careful t....What's wrong?"said Todd.I wiped the tears."It's J-Julian.H-He cheated on me."I said holding back the tears.Todd hugged me as I placed my head on his shoulder and hugged."Ssshh.It's okay.It's okay."He cooed as he petted my head.He almost reminds me of my father.

*10 minutes later*

I was walking back to my team.I was going to tell Savannah if we can call the race off or something else until reporters and fans came."(Y/n) (L/n),there's been news that you been hurt,correct?"said a female reporter and ponited the micphone at me."I thought I could trust someone I knowed for 2 years now,but turns out I can't.Now I've learned my lesson.Not to trust people I barley know and there's no such thing as 'friends' in my dictionary.Only enemies and hater.Unless they earn my trust and do that do anything to hurt me or my real friends."I said angry as I walked pass them.I walked to Savannah.I was going to speak,but she stopped me."Okay your good to good.I doubled checked for you to see if the car was good and it is.I know you checked,but I want you to be extra safe.Now here."said Savannah tossing me my race car helmet.I lucky caught it.It was the color (f/c).I quietly sigh.Guess I'm to late.I put on my helmet.I went inside my race car that was next to the station.I was going to turn it on until I heard a knock on the window.I looked to see Julian.I groan in disgust.Instead of opening the window I turned the car on and drove away with the other cars.Tears were forming,but I held them back.I turned the mic on.I noticed that team 95 was next to my car.Team 95 is non other then Lightning Mcqueen.I had a crush on him before I dated...that faker.The traffic light was red.I started the engine.Then it turned green.I stepped on the pedal.The tires screeched.All the other racers did the same.I went 100 mph.

*299 laps*

Okay last lap.If I win I get the piston cup!I went to my pit stop as the 4 female mechanics changed the triesas quickly as possible.I noticed that the flag was up.I made sure no car was behind me to leave or go in the pits in front of me.Once I made sure I stepped on the pedal.

*With your team*

It was a tie.What tie?Well the tie between King,Chick,me,and Mcqueen.I took off my helmet."Good run."I heard on of the mechanic."Thanks."I said."You could of owned it if it wasn't for someone to lose a rounding away tire."said the other mechanic.One of them nervously laughed."Calm down,ladys.All that matter is that (Y/n) didn't loss.She's still in the race."said Savannah."Where are we heading off to,mate?"I said."First off please stop saying mate and second off we're headed to LA."said Savannah looking at her clipboard."I'll try and cool!"I said."This team 20 can't lose."said Mia."Can not!"said Tia.I smiled.

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