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Y/n's POV
I got out of the shower and put on my outfit for my date tonight.

Once I got ready I put a little bit of makeup on then left

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Once I got ready I put a little bit of makeup on then left.
Finns POV
I got to the diner and sat there waiting for y/n as I was sitting there I saw y/n come in and she was so beautiful. Hi Finn y/n said h-hey I stuttered. You look beautiful I told her. She started to blush which was the cutest thing I've seen in the world. We sat down and ordered our food. After we ate we decided to go to the park and just lay down by a tree and have a conversation. Hey Can I tell you something I asked her. Yea of course you can finn. I leaned in and kissed her she started to kiss back. After our kiss I pulled away. I've liked you since you went into that audition room. She started to laugh and then she kissed me again. After that kiss she left and said goodbye.
*2 weeks later*
Finns POV
Today's the day I'm going to ask y/n if she'll be my girlfriend god I hope she says yes.
1 hour later
Y/n was done filming and so I went to her trailer I knocked on the door and she opened it. Oh hi Finn. Hi y/n Can I come in. Of course you can she said. I want to ask you a question. Ok ask away she said smiling at at me. Willyoubemygirlfriend I said really fast. Woah slow down Finn deep breaths she said lauging. Ok will you be my girlfriend. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck then kissed me. Of course I'll be your girlfriend I've been waiting for you to say that for a while. That was the best day of my life until something happened.
Short chapter but I left at a cliffhanger so I hoped you enjoyed this chapter I'm pretty proud about this chapter don't forget to follow me and to vote! ❤️❤️

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