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Noah's POV *the next day*
I wake up to my phone ringing. I pick up the phone and it reads y/n so I answer it. Hello? I say hi Noah um I really need to talk to you Can you come to my house it's really important. Uh ok I'll  you soon. I hang up the phone and get ready and leave my house. I go to y/n's house and knock on the door. Y/n opens it and it looks like she's been crying for hours. Her eyes were very puffy and she had bags under her eyes. Are you okay y/n whats wrong? Hi Noah can you sit down please. I sit down on her couch and she sits down next to me. When you were here yesterday telling me you had feelings for me Sadie saw me kiss you. did she tell anyone! Yea she did. She told finn then Finn came to my house and told me to explain everything and then he asked me if I still had feelings for you. Did you say no? No I said yes y/n said and the reason why I said yes is because I still like you Noah. After I said yes he broke up with me and then left my house. She started to cry. Hey y/n don't cry things will get better ok. Are you sure? She asked. Yes of course I'm sure y/n just forget about Finn. You don't need him. After I said that she kissed me. But this time I didn't push her away. I kissed her back. After our kiss we pulled away and I asked her out. Y/n will you go out with me. Yes of course I will. After that she hugged me and for the rest of the night we just watched movies.
Finns POV
While the rest of the cast were here for a little bit meaning Millie Caleb and gaten. I decided to call Millie and ask her for help. I call her and tell her if she can meet me at a diner. I hang up and leave my house and walk to the diner. I go a booth and wait until Millie comes. The door opens and I see Millie she walks over to me and sits next me. Hi Millie I say. Hi Finn so why did you want to talk about. It's about y/n her and I broke up because she kissed Noah and she still has feelings for Noah. Oh my god Finn I'm so sorry. She hugs me and I hug her back. It's ok I'm fine. But Millie Can I be honest I didn't like y/n that much I liked you more. Then I kissed her but she didn't push away she kissed me back. After our kiss i put my arm around her and we just had milkshakes and just talked until something happened.
Y/n's POV
I was heading to a diner because me and Noah wanted milkshakes so I just decided to walk there. While I was walking to the diner I noticed Finn and Millie. But Finn had his arm around her. I walked in there and asked for two milkshakes. While I was waiting I heard Millie say my name I turned and Finns smiling face turned into a serious face. Oh hi Millie and... Finn how are you guys. We're doing great how are you? I'm doing fine just getting milkshakes for me and Noah. Oh! Are you guys dating now or are you guys just hanging out as friends. Well Noah did ask me out so I guess we're dating. Oh that's cool up Can I talk to you y/n Millie said. Yea sure we walked into the bathroom and she started to speak. So Finn kissed me and he asked me out is that okay with you because I know you guys aren't dating anymore. But if you guys still have feeling for each other I totally understand. No I'm totally fine with it but we should have a double date like tomorrow at the movies. Sure that would be a lot of fun. I'll be sure to tell Finn. I hug her then grab the milkshakes and leave. I walk into my room and see Noah just watching tv. I give him his milkshake and tell him what I saw and how we're having a double date tomorrow. Oh ok I'm ok with that by the way Can I sleep over tonight? Yea for sure Noah. We watch movies until 12:00 am and we fall asleep.
I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. It was pretty shitty but I tried make sure to vote and to follow me for more updates! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝

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