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*last day of shooting* btw the reason I put Alex is because she's number 012 so...
Y/n's POV
I got into my outfit for my character

Y/n's POVI got into my outfit for my character

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They did my hair and then I went on set. The first scene was me with Steve and me fighting the demo dogs. Joe got his bat and I got my powers ready. They yelled action and we started to imaginary fight. They yelled cut and then we had to do the scene again.
*Time skip to last scene*
Y/n's POV
It was the last scene and I started to get sad because it was my last day to film this whole show. Yes I was going to get killed off the show. We all got on set and we all started to get prepared. They yelled action and we started to fight the demo dogs I used my powers so much that I got weak and started to bleed way to much. I fell on the ground and I can hear steve scream. I open my eyes and I see him crying.  steve holds me and I say my last line of the show. Goodbye Harrington and then they yell cut. It was rap for the whole season and I started to cry. I went around and said goodbye to everyone. The duffers told me to do a goodbye speech so I stood on top of a chair and got everyone's attention and then started my speech. The past two years with you guys have been the best two years of my life. I am so grateful to be apart of this show. And I am so grateful to be a Harrington with such a badass power. And I'm so happy that i met someone that i love and i am very sad to be killed off the show but it's ok I'll be fine I say while laughing. Thank you so much for everything I don't deserve you guys! I jump off the chair and we all get into a group hug.
Ok listen so the chapter is going to be 6 years later and were all going to have a reunion and something is going to happen that is going to make you guys happy so get ready!! Btw sorry for the very short chapter the next one is going to be very long ❤️❤️

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