Hooves at Hearts

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~~Monday, May 24~~

I woke up on my so called "bed" and yawned and stretched out. I was surprised when I leaned back and hit my head on the carpeted floor. I groaned and rubbed the back of my head as I got up and looked through my suitcase for clothes. I put on my favourite white Hooves at heart T-shirt and black leggings, with my black converse. I walked down stairs still rubbing the back of me head, and ate a bagel, brushed my hair, and then brushed my teeth and went outside to the bus stop. I got onto the bus and arrived at school, 10 minutes later. I walked into my first class, which was algebra and sat in the back where my teacher had assigned me. That is where I would usually sit, so good luck for me. I started taking notes, but then started doodling Horses on my notepad and started to think about going to Hooves At Hearts after school today. The first bell rang and I rushed off to my other class, French. "Bonjour, Classe. Prenez voz places." Our teacher Mrs. Enrouleurs said. I took me seat in the middle of the classroom and the same thing happened. I started to take notes, but then started drawing horses and doodling. All I heard her say is that at the end of the semester we have to learn how to say "Hello, Mrs. Enrouleurs. I have learned French over the whole 1st semester" In French. The final bell rang, while I was at Science, and I raced outside and ran down the sidewalk and ran through the door of Hooves At Hearts. "Bonjour, Lori!! Bonjour monsieur Mike!" I yelled as I ran through the door. Lori peeked around the corner. "Looks like someone's learning some more French." Lori said. Lori has mid length blond hair, green eyes, and is 31 years old. She almost always wears bright red lipstick that would look really weird on me, but fits perfect for her. "We have a new black, and white horse that came today." She said. "Some 8th graders brought her in, and found her in the woods, stuck in a whole bunch of rocks."Lori said. I nodded as she waved over to me and she walked toward the backyard where the horses stalls were, and where they ran around at. I spotted one black and white horse, with dirt and mud all over her, her legs and body where cut with bruises, and her tail and mane was very scraggly and knotted up. "That's her." Lori said pointing to the horse I had just been looking at. I frowned. "She looks pretty beat up. Can Mike fix her up?" I asked still frowning. "He is at the store, getting more hoof cleaner, and some more hay, and apples. We are running out." Lori says, sounding a little disturbed. "Can I clean her up, while your taking care of the other horses?" I asked, hoping Lori would say yes. "Yeah, sure hon. You can take her to the showers and clean her up. Then you can patch up the bruises and cuts, and then brush her mane and tail, maybe a little bit of her back." Lori said, smiling. "Okay, Thanks." I said taking a rope off the fence and walking over to her. To be honest that instance I fell in love with her that moment, and I think she trusted me. I pet her nose and calmly said shhhh to calm her down, and not get distracted on what I was doing. "Shhhhh." I said putting the rope half way on her neck. "Your a good girl. Relax.... Relax" I whispered, petting her nose as I tied the rope. I lead her into the shower yard, which was around the corner of the building, and made sure to get the hose and to grab the soap/shampoo. I turned the hose on and sprayed it all over the horse. She whinnied and neighed, and then started to rear up. I turned the hose on sprinkle and put some in my hand, and fast walked over to the horse. I put the water that I had in my hand on the horse, and she stayed calm. I kept doing that until I had a handful and spilled it over her head, and she didn't neigh. I walked back over to the hose and turned it onto shower, instead of jet (like I was using) and sprayed her. I then put the soap all over her, and scrubbed her in the mane tail, and all over her body with the shampoo. I then went over to the hose again and sprayed her all over, even a little in the face. I didn't have enough time to dry her with a towel, so she air-dried herself. I then left her there, and went inside to get bandages and horse cream, to take away the bruises. I kept the horse where she was and put cream on her bruises and then, put alcohol on her cuts (to get the dirt out) and then put bandages over it. She whinnied a little when I put the alcohol on, but after a while she stopped. I then lead her into her stall and brushed out her mane and tail. I went back outside, but the horse whinnied. I looked back, and she snorted and neighed. I walked back over, taking a carrot off a barrel and put it in front of her mouth. She crunched it happily, and I let her out of her stall, and lead her to the backyard. It was getting a little dark so Lori took all the horses in, but I brought the horse out and lay down. The horse sniffed my hand and lay down next to me. I was surprised when she did that. I pet her on the back and then I started talking to her. After that I started kissing her on the nose, and then doing this over and over.  Once it got very dark I put the horse back in her stall and kisses her good-bye. I spotted Dr. Mike and Lori at the front desk. "Hey, Mike Lori. What should I name the new black and white horse?" I asked. "Ummm...... How about Eclipse?" Mike said. "Like the sun and the moon? Ya, know?" He said, practically explaining that he wasn't an alien from outer space that just learned alien alphabet. "How about Flicka? It's means beautiful, and young."Lori said being proud of her answer to my question. "I don't know. Once I get home, I will ask my Aunt and my dad." I said. "Okay, girly. See you tomorrow." Lori said. "See ya later kiddo." Dr. Mike said. "Okay. Bye." I said waving. I walked down the street and to my Aunt Klara's house. Right when I walked through the door I said, "Dad, What should I name a new black and white horse that was at Hooves at Hearts today?" I asked. "Hmmmm...." My dad said, taking his time to answer my question. "How about...... Beauty?" He said. "Okay, Thanks Dad." I said. I then went upstairs to my Aunt Klara's room and asked her the same thing. "Oh, Nicole." My Aunt says. That's what she always says. If she were a SuperHero her catchphrase would be "POW!! Oh, Nicole...." seriously. It should. "How about Moon?" She said. "Okay. Thanks." I said, walking out of her room and into mine. Once I walked it I was surprised to see my bed was actually a REAL bed, and there weren't a lot of boxes everywhere. I lay down on my bed, not even worrying to get on my pajamas. I closed my eyes, and though about school tomorrow. I smiled and though about how much fun we where going to have at school. It was domino day. Wait. I have the perfect name for the horse. Domino.

Hello, Guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will try to write a chapter every single day, but it is coming very close to Christmas, so I won't be writing as much. Also, a big shoutout to iswimUSA  for being very respectful, voting for this book, and commenting "This is Really Good" I really appreciate it, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Oh, and also If you did not know what "Bonjour" means it means Hello, in French, "Monsieur"means Mister, and "Bonjour, Classe. Prenez voz places" means "Hello, Class. Please take your seats." Also the horse at the tops is Domino, the new horse that came in. BTW fill in the sentence down below in the comments! [:-)
I ____ because ____.

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