Chapter 6 Part 1

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This chapter gets very detailed and is a little gruesome. Read at your own risk.

(Violet's P.O.V) 3am
I woke up in a cold sweat. I sat up in bed making sure Sam was still asleep. The one person I didnt want to dream about was there. My birth father and his wife. It was the same dream ive had before, my father had me tied up in the closet while my step mother (his wife) beat me, raped me, and torchered me. They had me tied up in the closet for two weeks, they never took me down. They only fed me when they felt like it. I ended up with severe eating disorders. Sometimes I was bulimic other times I was anorexic. I have it most of the way controlled but I knew today was going to be hard. I got out of the bed and headed to the shower. Hopefully this will help.

(4:30 am)
After being in the shower for a hour I got out. Seeing that it was only 4:30am I decided to go downstairs and watch a movie. I got downstairs and put Talladega Nights into the DVD player, and went to go make coffee. I soon drifted into a dreamless sleep. Little did I know what today had in store for me.

(3 hours later)
I woke up to Sam slightly shaking me. "Vi are you okay? You werent in bed." I looked at him confused. "Yeah sorry Sam I had a hard time sleeping so I came down here. Sorry I didnt mean to worry you." I didnt want him to knkw why I couldnt sleep. Thats one less thing he needs to worry about. "Hey Sam you ready to work?" I inherited my step dads shop. It used to be mainly a car shop but i made some changes and now its mostly a motorcycle shop, but we still work on cars. I kept the name Rays Mechanics, I just changed what we worked on. Me and Sam got dressed and took my truck to work. I let him drive. He had one hand on the steering wheel and the other on my thigh, while Luke Bryan Light it up played quietly in the background.

(5 hours later just after lunch)
Me and Sam showed back up at the shop after going out and having lunch when my main mechanic Stewart ran up to me. "Hey Violet someine is here saying they need to speak to you." I gave him a funny look but shrugged it off. "Ok stew ill be there momentarily." I looked at Sam and started to go to kiss him, when I realized I couldnt so I just hugged him and whispered in his ear. "Come to my office in 15 minutes." He smiled knowing what I wanted. I walked into my office regretting not asking Stewart who was here. "Hi how can I help you?" I stuttered the last part seeing that it was my father Jason and that thing he calls his wife. "Ah Melline Violet Hope Masters you havent changed." "What do yoh need Jason?" He looked at me cold which made me shiver but I made sure he didnt see. He cant know he still scares me. "Well Melline, I need my car fixed and this shop comes highly recommended." "Okay well youll need to fill out some paperwork and give me the key. Ill send my best mechanic to work on it." Normally i would hollar for Stewart but I wanted Sam. I needed Sam. I handed Jason the paperwork the hollared for Sam. "Sam." My voice cracked and he noticed. He ran straight over to me. "Whats up Vi you look scared."  "I need you to come in and get the keys from this costumer and bring their car in. Please dont make a big deal on who it is."  "Okay Vi whatever you want." I opened my office door. "Jason. This is Sam hes the best and he will take great care of your car." Jason handed me the keys. "Thank you Melline, heres the paperwork ill be back next Monday to come pick it up." With that him and his wife left. I let out a sigh of relief, thats when Sam spoke up.

(Sams P.O.V)
I heard Violet call for me and she sounded scared. I ran over to her and she looked like she had seen a ghost. "Whats up Vi you look scared."  "I need you to come in and get the keys from this costumer, and bring their car in. Please dont make a big deal on who it is." At that moment I knew there was one person in Violets entire life that she couldnt stand be around, and that was her birth father Jason. "Okay Vi whatever you want." With that she opened the door revealing the one person I hated. Jason Teledo her father. "Jason this is Sam hes the best and will take great care of your car." Jason handed her the keys and continued to talk to her while I focused on her body language. She was nervous and scared.she never went into detail on What happened between them, but when she got ahold of her mother (my step mother) and when she moved in she looked like she had gone through hell. He finally walked out and I noticed she had changed. She became the girl i saw last night so I spoke up. "Violet whats going on?" I walked in front of her and looked into her eyes. They were blank. I put my hand hand on her shoulder, "Vi whats going on?" She looked into my eyes and started to cry. I knew it was time to go home. I quickly left her office and looked for Stewart, once I found him I called him over. "Hey Stewart i need you to take Mr. Toledo's car and find out whats wrong with it. Send me a text when you figure it out and we will go from there. I need to take Violet home shes not feeling very good." I handed him the keys and ran back to the office. I walked in and Vi was still in the same postion I had left her in. I walked over to her and stood in front of her. "Violet I need you to calm down. Im going to take you home and run you a bath. I need you to act like your not feeling good. Can you do that for me?" She nodded her head and wiped away her tears. We walked to the truck and that was that.

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