Chapter One

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*The Last Olympian*

*The characters and writing belong to Rick Riordan*

"The Council agrees," Zeus said. "Percy Jackson, you will have one gift from the gods."

I hesitated. "Any gift?"

Zeus nodded grimly. "I know what you will ask. The greatest gift of all. Yes, if you want , it shall be yours. If you wish it, you shal be made a god. Immortal. Undying.

I glanced back. Annabeth was trying not to meet my eyes. Her face was pale. I flashed back to two years ago, when I had thaought she was going to take the pledge to Artimis and becom a hunter. I had been on the edge of a panic attack, thinking that i would loose her. Now, she looked pretty much the same way.

*From this point on all characters belong to Rick Riordan but the writing belongs to me*

I turend back to face Zeus. His Godly size made me feel small, week, unimportant in this palace filled with immortals. My eyes drifted to the right of Zues, focusing on Posidions relaxed face. He gave me a weak smile. This was my decision, and my father knew it was not his place to persuade me.

I invisioned myself as my father's second in command. Golden blood coursing through my vains as I helped controle the seas. I could live forever in my element, training hippocampi and granting wishes to the people of this Earth. Who could possibly turn that down?

I remembered Annabeth behind me, waiting for the answer that could change our lives. I remembered when Annabeth kissed me as I was about to charge into my death. I had never been more supprised, I had never felt so impowored. But we where only friends, and we are only friends now. If I accepted the offer, she would be torn from my life, unable to fly and explore the seas alongside me. Eventually she would die, and I would continue on for thousands of more years. If Annabeth did like me, she would support my chioce, she would stand by me until her end. Just like I would do for her.

I cleared my throat, before announcing my answer. "I accept your offer Zeus."

Annabeth made a small wincing sound behind me. I turned around in time to see her blond curls bouncing as she ran past the cyclops army and out of the throne room.

I stood there, staring at the place she had stood moments before.

There's no turning back now

I turned my head back twords the council, trying to mentally prepare for the change ahead. But before I could savor the last moments I had as a mortal, a flash of white filled my eyes

It burned. My skin burned as if I was standing in the magical fire at camp. The mioster left my body, my skin began to flake off. As I gasped for air the oxygen in my lungs evaporated, leaving me choking and unable to move my limbs.

As I feared the gods had betrayed there promise, air flowed through my lungs. My skin and bones solidified. As the last of my body regained feeling, the white light faded.

I looked up at the awaiting coyncil. Although I couldn't feel it I knew golden blood now flowed through my viens. I flexed my fingers,feeling strong muscle working throughout my arm.

"Welcome Perseous Jackson, my son, to the life of the gods." Posidion announced, followed by defining cheers from the cyclops army.


I hugged my legs, burrying my face into my knees. I lifted my head, struggling to breath easily through my nose. My face burned from the dried tears.

The grass below me felt soft against my hands as I leand back. I had ran from the throne room and into the gardens, determined to not cry in front if the Olympian council. Flowering bushes and blossoming cherry trees filled the small area. Every flower seemed to glow as if the essence of Demeter existed in each vibrant pink bloom. For a moment, as I breathed in the lush smell of nature, I forgot about the worries in the world. But all good things must come to an end.

Cheering erupted form the throne room. The obvious crys of cyclops grew louder until it seemed all Olympus could hear.

Its finished, he's gone.

Tears began to run again. I began thinking of all the years I had spent with Percy, the man I thought I loved. I thought of the day when I had kissed him, when I thought I would never see him again. He looked so brave, so honest, like he forgot is future and was determined to save the world at any cost.

Where did that person go? Where was the Percy I liked and had hope that he felt the same?

My thoughts vanished has I focused on the footsteps exiting the throne room. I kept my head down, hoping whoever it was would aviod me.

A strong vioce spoke out. A different vioce than she remembered. It was stronger, more powerful. It was the vioce of a god. " Annabeth," I wiped my eyes, hoping they weren't as read as I imagined. Slowly I stood up and turned around.

Percy stood only a few feet away, a slight smile on his face. He looked strong and powerful and even more handsome. His sea green eyes were bright and his messy black hair seemed messily perfect.

I felt anger. I felt anger twords his perfect looks and his perfect vioce. His smile and his relaxed body waiting for me to speak. Percy was no longer the same, he was a immortal, and I know how being a god changes a person.

"I have nothing to say to you Percy," and it was the truth, the only truth.

Hiiii! I hoped you like this chapter it took me a long time to write. If you did like it vote if you'd like. Thanks for reading🤗

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