18 : Here's to the enemy

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        "NENIOUNI?!" I screamed, eyes open wide and jaw hanging open

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        "NENIOUNI?!" I screamed, eyes open wide and jaw hanging open.

         "What?" Denver asks, bursting into laughter. I glared at him to make him stop laughing and pay attention to me but I can't even glare for a long time, it kinda hurts my eyes. "Patingin nga sa mukha mo," Denver laughs again and tries to take off the handkerchief I'm using to hide my face.

         Scared that he'll see my messed up face, I jumped down the table and ran away, hiding behind a tree. Moo immediately follows, his tail's wagging, thinking we're playing some sort of game.

         "Come on! Di kita pagtatawanan, pangako," Denver runs after me, still laughing. He says he won't laugh but he's already laughing, what a bad bear!

        "Nooooo!" I ran away from him, screaming. At least I could say that word properly.

         "Just let me see, I won't judge," Denver says again, laughing as he runs towards me with his hand raised.

        "Noooo!" I scream again. This time, instead of running away, I take off my left slipper and raise it to threaten him. Denver stops right in front of me but I could still hear him laughing, and this time his laughter's louder.

        I want to tell him to stop laughing but I know he'll just laugh at me more. Annoyed and left with no words to say, I let a loud wail while stomping my feet on the ground.

        "Sorry!" Denver laughs loudly, "I can't take your threat seriously. I mean look at your slipper—a pink fluffy elephant," He says while pointing at it. I continued to glare at Denver and that's when he lets out a loud sigh. "Okay, sorry. I'm just messing with you. I won't look at your face. Just sit on the kiosk and I'll just stay here," Denver says.

        I sigh. Dropping my slipper on the ground and wearing it again. I walked back to the kiosk to sit on top of the table again, not letting Denver out of my sight just to be sure. But Denver was true to his words, he just stayed there, standing as if he's looking at me.

        I grabbed my phone and texted him instead.


FYI! My slippers may be cute and fluffy but they're deadly too


Ps, I hate you


Get in line hahaha


But seriously, magkapatid kayo?!

Good night, Enemy (Published under PSICOM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon