19 : Splinter in her heart

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        "You're really not going to eat dinner with us?" Piper asks as she sit at the corner of my bed.

        I shake my head and smile as I send her a text.


Busog lusog si brayleeeeee

        "Why are you texting me? Hindi naman kita pagtatawanan eh. I'm not like Riley," Piper insists with a smile in her face, as if she's holding her laughter. 


Di tayo magkakaintindihan, P :(

       I point to the empty bowls of Chinese food at the table and as well as the boxes of chocolates and cupcakes that Warren gave me. Piper sighs when she sees it.

        "You got soaked in the rain last night and here you are, eating sweets like crazy. Baka magkasakit ka niyan," Piper says, worried. I really like it when Piper shows concern over me, it makes me forget about the splinter lodged in my little heart.

        Instead of typing, I raise a thumbs-up instead while showing the smile despite of my face being covered with a handkerchief. 

       "Okay fine," Piper sighs. "I'll just get you some take-out food," she adds making me clap in happiness.


       Left alone in our room, I couldn't help but think back to my conversation with Denver. I had so many questions but he only give little answers. 

        What happened that made Warren hate him so much? And if they're brothers, why didn't they have the same last name? Why do they go to a different school? And Denver's Mom.... Denver once told me that her Mom died from that Sleeping Disorder... Warren's Mom died too but from a different cause...

        My phone beeped along with a vibration. I open it to find one message from Warren.


Bata tingin sa bintana

Good night, Enemy (Published under PSICOM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon