51 : That thing called Depression

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Paperback - The last sleepless city

Paperback - The last sleepless city

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        "Denver?" I asked Denver as we were both lying in the hospital bed, his arm serving as my pillow, both of us facing each other. His eyes are closed but I could tell he's not asleep just like me.

       "Hmm?" he asked, still awake.

       "Why do you love me?" I couldn't help but ask. I'm weak and childish. I overreact so much at the most trivial things,  I constantly embarrass myself in the most random situations, and I do crazy-dumb things all the time. I'm not hot like Piper. I'm not feisty like Reika. And I'm like a negative one in a scale of 1 to 10. 

        "Why do you love me?" instead of answering, he threw the question back, still with his eyes closed.

         "I don't know, I just do," I shrugged. He's got some really great qualities but I can't really decide if it's the reason why I love him.

         "Then you got your answer," he said, kissing my forehead, making me smile despite of the confusion I felt from hearing his words. 

          "You're not making any sense, Denver Hawthorn," I joked as I pinched the tip of his nose.

          "No, you're not making any sense," he chuckled, making me purse my lips into a frown.

          "Wala kang kwentang kausap," I said, trying to sound annoyed even if deep down I'm just so glad to be right here, next to him. Plus the fact that I never really found him annoying to begin with.

          "Shhh," he tapped my cheeks, as if motioning me to drift asleep.

           "And another thing," I sighed. "I've always wanted to ask this... why do I make you fall asleep? Why do I cure your insomnia? Am I really that boring? Is my voice too soft? Do I sound like a lullaby?"

          He slowly opened his eyes, looking at mine softly as a small smile curved on his lips.  "Maybe it's because of the way you've always calmed me with your words and quirks; with the way you made me feel that at least there's still one good person left in this world; that there's one strange stranger who cares for me; and maybe because every time I sleep at night, I know i'll wake up to another day with you. You make me look forward to mornings, because I know that by morning, you're awake and I can finally talk to you again."

          And once again, Denver Hawthorn made my heart flutter. His words brought warm and worth to my heart. He's the only person who made me feel this way and I guess he's the only person who will ever make me feel this way. 

         "Braylee Emanuel, you are my hardest Goodnight and my dearest Goodmorning." Denver added, kissing my forehead again as he caressed my cheek.

Good night, Enemy (Published under PSICOM)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon