Make A New Journey

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After we all ready then my father tell us to hop in the car then we made our ways to the car but my mother being what the mother used to be. She hugging me like her life is depends on me. Then she cried on my shoulder and tell me to be careful and don't have too much 'fun'. I reassuring her that I will do what she said and then she hugging Alex as well and tell him to keep watching on me then Alex mom rushed to hugging him too so Alex now hugged by two worried woman.

Then I managed to drag him out of them and finally they let him out of the hugs and left Alex breathless and I chuckled at him and he shoot me a look.

My mum turned to Vicky direction then and he widening his eyes and shook his head at my mom and said 'No thanks' but my mum keep managed to hugging him by the way and seeing he like that it's ridiculous that made me and Alex chuckled softly at Vicky expression and he shoot me a look again and I raise my eyebrows at him.

Then we all hop in the car as I take a seat in the back with Alex besides me while Vicky sitting beside my father in the front seat.

My father drove us to the airport. On the way to the airport my father decided to bring us to some places that I have no idea what it is.

The place is quiet big and it has some big fountain in there. My father told us to go out of the car and follow him. We did as he told and following him.

Then, we following him to enter the building and surprisingly it has the birthday ornaments and accessories. I scanned the room then I noticed in the others room it has many prizes like someone have prepared it for someone's birthday.

I seeing the prizes and I recognize some prize that I made when I was kid for Vicky's 12 years old birthday and I widening my eyes in shocked.

I just realized that we were at Vicky's birthday party places when he was 12 years old and I looked at my father and I give him a 'What-the-hell' looks then I looked at Alex too and he gave me the same looks.

Then I eyeing Vicky who I think recognize this place was the place that his birthday party place will held that time before his parent died in the accident when they were on the way to our pack to get him to here.

I can seeing his eyes is watering and he trying to hold his tears back but failing and he's sobbing quietly at the thought of this places.

"WHY YOU BROUGHT ME TO THIS PLACE?!" Vicky yell my father and I tensed but my father just sighed and he calm myself down.

"Because at least before you can leave to the California you can at least get to know the places that should be your birthday party that time" said my father at him then Vicky's stood up and make his way to exit the building. I still can seeing him crying softly as he exiting the building to the car.

I sighed and looked at my father who place his hand on his forehead because it then I looked at Alex and he give me 'What's-now?' looks then I use our ability to talk to someone via mind.

'I don't know what's now' I said to Alex via my mind and he nodded at me.

'Should we confront Vicky or your father' asked him to me and I just shook my head because I honestly don't know what to do now.

'I have no idea because if we confront Vicky we will pick some fight like that time in his 12 years old birthday' I said and he nodded at me and then sighed and I glanced at my father.

Now he doesn't have his hand on his forehead anymore and then told us to leave him first and go to the car.

We do as he told and went to my father car but when we open our car doors we heard someone sobbing and surprisingly it is Vicky who sobbing like that then I changed a look at him.

'What are we going to do?' Alex asked me and I just sighed and shook my head.

'Maybe we should confront him' I said at him and he staring me in horror.

'But he will hurt us if we do that' he said and I just nodded and not knowing what we have to do.

Then the sobbing sounds faded and now Vicky just quiet and I looked at Alex again and then he reassuring me to hop in the car now then we do that.

And Vicky just stayed quiet because probably he doesn't want anyone know his weakness so he still quite like everything is fine but I know deep down in his heart is not fine.

The minutes after that my father join us and he started the engine and drove us to the airport with no words come out from him. So we drove on awkward silence.

Then, we arrived at the airport and we hopped off and make our ways to the International terminal of flight then we checked our passport and the other stuff for our flight.

The information tell us that the flight to Los Angeles, California will take off in about 20 minutes and we gave my father last hug and so Vicky and Alex then we made our way to the plane that supposed to be our plane to Los Angeles, California.

We arrived at the plane and the attendant told us the seat that my father have booked for us and surprisingly my father booked us some First Class seat so the seat only can sat by two persons and I took a seat beside Alex and Vicky took as seat beside some old ladies.

The the attendant told us to obey the rules in the plane on the way to the Los Angeles and told us to turned off the phone and I did as the told and I feel the plane started to move and after that the plane took off from the airport and I looking my place through the window and I sighed and thought.

'Finally I will make a new journey with the new places and I will missed this places and my pack' And I feel my eyes heavy and I became lazy to opened it so I drift to the sleep.


Maybe it is the end of the story but this is the beginning of the journey

Mungkin ini adalah akhir dari sebuah cerita, tapi ini merupakan awal dari sebuah perjalanan.

Taken Mine (Searching For The Mate) #Wattys2018 ✓Where stories live. Discover now