Meet My Mate

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Liam P.O.V

I just told to accompany the person who was hit by my ball after I went to principal so here I am walking to the nurse room to check on that person and honestly it's really annoying to accompany someone who I don't even what their name.

By the way, I arrived at the front of the nurse room door as I heard a sobbing in the nurse room and I stopped for a second to think.

'Who's in there and why their cry?' I thought to myself before I shook my head off as I opened the door then I walked in to see the beautiful creature I ever seen.

'MATE!!' Growled my wolf as I see her beautiful face of my mate that make me widening my eyes so did she is.

'God she's so beautiful our beautiful mate, MINE!!' My wolf growled like a crazy when he seeing our mate sat there on the nurse room bed as I realized something.

She's the girl from earlier who was hit by my football ball when I played at the park today. So I came closer to her bed as I want to see my mate feature in close.

She has a beautiful face like that day when she bumped into me and I acted rudely at her and not helping her that time. I just hate myself because of that for not helping my beautiful mate.

By the way, I don't even know what her name is so I decided to cleared my throat and tried to get her name. Keyword tried.

"So what's your name?!" I said more like snapping at her and she looked really afraid at me now. Oh good I am so stupid to make her even more hate and afraid of me.

Suddenly, she whimpering when she heard at me, she's ready to crying so I panicked I don't know what to do.
I've made my mate cry, how stupid I am now so I decided to apologize at her.

"Hey, I am sorry I didn't mean to snapped at you earlier I-I just wanted to know what's your name is." I trying as soft as I could to her until she nodded and my wolf jumped in excitement as she wanted to tell us her name but before that suddenly the door opened revealing that guy from earlier and that girl who I assumed to be my mate best walked in while shooting me the death glare who doesn't work to me anyway.

"Oh are you okay? Is he bothering you I am sure he is bothering you!" She pointed her finger at me as I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Uh N-No, h-he doesn't bo-bother me." She said groggily at them as I raising an eyebrows at her. I don't know that my mate is a shy person and that's make me want to take away that shyness on her.

"You sure?" Said the girl who keep the death glaring at me and my little mate nodded at her.

"Okay, so I have to drop her at her home now!" I said more like commanding them as my mate more afraid of me. Then, the guy who named Kaigen step forward and stood on front of me.

"No, we actually came here to drop her off because you being a d*ck you are!" He said while crossing his arms at me and giving me a cold stare as I became more impatient than before.

'He needs to respect us!' said my wolf through mind link and I honestly agree to that because I am the ALPHA of my pack but I have to keep it deep in my heart because I don't wanna be in the trouble again.

"And why is that?" I asked them as calm as I could and they became more angry than before as I smirks.

"Because you sir have to respect the friends of the victim you caused in." Said the girl calmly as step forward and come closer to me of course I want to be with my little mate. I trying to find a way to make them speechless and I smirks at my idea.

"Actually the nurse and the principal told me to drop her off at her home and they told me that the way to apologize to her." I said to them as they dumbfounded at that and I give them a victory grin as they mumbled whatever and I turned to see my little mate who confused at us.

"Now, let's go we don't have many times, do we?" I said as my mate nodded at me and got up from the bed with whimper in so much pain. I quickly helping her to stood up before she fell to the floor as she looked at me.

Ugh, when she looked at me I feel like my whole world just stopped by looking through her eyes because they're so beautiful. I just like to stare at that eyes all the time.

Then, someone cleared their throat as I snapped and my mate blushed really deep at that and she now going to get for her bag but I quickly get it.

"Let me get it, okay?" I said to my mate who still blushing and she nodded at me while mumbling a small okay to me.

"Okay now let's go!" I said then my mate said goodbye to her best friend and Kaigen. Ugh I hate to see him because he is like all over my mate and that's makes me more upset so I just keep still. Then, they leave us here all alone as she keep blushing.

"Okay, let's go to my car." Then we went to my car as Alex and Vicky stood there. Shoot, I forgot about them and they shoot me a glare as I brought my mate.

"Where have you been, we've been waiting for like forever." Alex said in annoyed tone while crossing his arms then I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Uh can you catch the cab because I have to drop her off first." I said as I stretch my hand at my neck and then he frowned at me and went to my mind link.

'What are you thinking about?! Are you crazy we have to catch the cab?!' He said clearly annoyed at me through the mind link.

'Sorry, but it's really important because the principal told me to drop her off because of the incident earlier.' I said honestly to him and I seeing him humming at me.

"Okay, whatever. Come on Vicky let's catch the cab." He said as he walked away with Vicky who looked really confused at us.

"Okay, C'mon." I said as I opened the door for her and she blushing even more if that make sense then I drove her to her home.


Taken Mine (Searching For The Mate) #Wattys2018 ✓Where stories live. Discover now