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My eyes was unbelivably soggy. My head was pounding.

I was holding a girl in my arms that had hurt me, but she felt so bad about it that she felt the need to take her whole life.

"What are we gonna do?", asked cameron.

I shook my head. I moved her hair from her face, "She didnt have to go like this."

Cameron nodded, "I wanted her to suffer, but not like this. No one should die like this. But whats done is done."

I made a confused face, but just shook it off, "Call ethan, and just ethan. Tell him to come down here."

Cameron nodded and called ethan. My clothes was covered in blood. It looked like she had cut from her forarm all the way ro the palm of her hand.

I didnt want to clean anything up yet until police had came. I didnt want to blammed for this.

I layed kayla on the floor. I walked outside into the cold air and took a deep breath.

I hated kayla. More than anything. But for her To take her own life because of basically me, terrorizes me.

She made me want to take my life in high school, and i know how that felt. It was the worst feeling ever.

Feeling like no one was there, that no one ever wanted you to ever be here, hurts.

I didnt want her to die like this, no one should have to feel to die like that.

If she would of told me that she wnated to kill herself, i would of helped her. but now its to late.

I felt someone grab my arm, i turned around and saw ethan standing there.

"Cameron told me youre taking it hard.", he said standing there with his hands in his pockets.

I looked at him and started crying. I walked over to him and emraced him into a hug, Grabbing and pulling on his shirt, "She shouldnt of died this way."

"Yeah, i know."


"Emily, would you like some hot chocolate?", Lisa said oulling the covers over me.

I nodded. Ethan came into the livingroom and sat at the end of my feet.


"Yes?", i answered

"Can i ask you something?" , he said nervously.

No one was in the room except me and him.

i raised up and looked at him, "Sure."

"Why was you so upset about Kayla killing herself?"

I gave him a confused look, "Because she shouldnt of died that way. No one should."

He shook his head, "No, emily you kept yelling and screaming. Is it because you used to be suicidal?"

I looked over at him, "No Ethan. No one deserves to feel like the only way they should die, is to kill themselves."

"Yeah, but Kayla did awful thing to you and me."

"So? Does that mean she has to kill herself?"

Ethan shrugged his shoulders, "Maybe this was her punishment."

I got up off the couch and stood infront of him, "Her punishment?"

"Emily, thats now how i meant it."

I slammed my hand down, "Thats exactly how you meant it!"

"No its not Emily. When i was with you, i knew you was just hurt. i know how this must seem to you."

I huffed, "So was it my 'punishment' when i was suicidal?"

He shook his head and started crying, "No Emily."

"Then why should-"

I was inturrepted ny a childs scream. Me and Ethan looked at each other and ran upstairs.

We ran to the kids room ands slammed the door open.

Jolie had Alice in her arms with a knife at her neck, "Take one more step closer and ill kill her."

"Daddy!", Alice screamed.

I put my hands up, "Jolie, drop the knife."

She laughed, "You two are together now?", she said pointing the knife to me and ethan.

I shook my head, "No, we arent."

She smiled, "Hm, funny."

Ethan raised hus hands up too, "Jolie, dont. Dont do this to our daughter."

She laughed, "See ethan, im doing this, because i want us back. Just me and you baby. Can i have that?"

Ethan shook his head, "Jolie, you are crazy."

She laughed. She pulled the arm of alices shirt up and sliced her skin, causing Alice to screm again.

Me and ethan lunged foward. "Jolie, please."

Leah came out of the closet with a knife. She looked at alice and looked at Rosalie. Both of them was terrified.

She looked a jolie, and took the knife and stabbed her heart, causing her to fall to her death.

I covered my mouth and screamed. I ran over to Alice and grabbed her and put her on my shoulder. I garbbed Rosalies hand and walked out with her.

ethan stood there in shock. "Ethan, ethan come on."

H pointed at Jolie in the floor with a knife in her heart, "Shes- shes."

"Ethan, please we have to go now."

He grabbed rosalie and we ran down stairs. We all ran to the basement.

I sat Alice down, Lisa looked at me. "I think i have a fist aid kit down here."

Cameron sat on the sofa and looked at Ethan, "Well this makes two crazy girls of yours Ethan."

Ethan chuckled, "Yeah, guess i just like crazy girls."

I smiled and finished doctoring Alice. Once i was done i wrapped her in my jacket and started rocking her.

"At leat Alice is okay. thats all that matters.", Lisa said sitting down with Sean.

I smiled. I looked down at Alice and noticed there was blood coming from alices mouth.

"Oh my god, Ethan."

He jerked up and ran over to me, "Shes- shes bleeding from her mouth."

He grabbed her and started to listen for her breathing, "Shes not breathing either, someone call 911."

Ethan looked at alice, "Baby come back to me. dont leave me."

dont leave him Alice.

AN/ so the connection i wanted emily and kayla to have was that, Emily and her was a lot alike. they both loved the same guy & they both was willing to do anything to make him happy. & kayla tried that but obviously he loved Emily. Also, Kayla was suicidal. Just like emily was. So i tried to play it off as, they were so much alike, and emily finally realized it. but yeah. Sorry for all the like graphic scenes, but 🤷🏼‍♀️

i hopes you guys understood & liked these two chapters haha <3

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twitter- trulyethann
snap- duh_itzkatelyn

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