Full Version of "The Key"

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Though the wind has no visible physique,

You can still feel its breath on your cheek.

Though music is hidden from the eye,

Its rhythm still flies through the sky.

Though you cannot see, smell, or hear pain,

It can still hold you down like chains.

Though love has no physical form,

Its kiss can light you up like a storm.

Though hope is hidden from all sorts of senses,

Its caress keeps us from the most evil clutches.

Though you cannot touch belief,

It still exists in every bit of grief.

Though miracles are rare,

And prayers can seem lost in the air,

Tragedies can catch you unaware,

And sometimes life is too much to bear,

Faith and belief still shine, beautiful and fair.

To have faith is the key, to every prayer. 

G.U.A.R.D. Book #4: TrackedWhere stories live. Discover now