Chapter 9 *being edited*

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"I'm sorry that I had to do that," Jared said sighing. He looked down at his hands and tapped his foot.

Sarah looked at him angrily as she sat on her couch.

"I had to speak to you and it's very impor-" before he could finish a shoe went flying and hit him square in the face.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Sarah yelled as she stood up clenching her fist.

"I didn't know how else to ask you," Jared said rubbing his face which was now red with a perfect Nike shoe mark.

"You could have just asked to come over and talk dumbass," she grumbled with annoyance.

"Well sorry I didn't know."

"I'm almost 17, not 5. There is no need to force me to do something. You could have just asked to come over. I dont have to ask permission to have anyone over. I live on my own."

Jared looked at Sarah with sorry puppy dog eyes. He didn't know what to say now. They were both just in the living room of Sarah's house in silence.

"Look, why did you ask about this?" Jared asked, holding his necklace in his hand. Jared had already known the answer for that question though. Sarah looked at him.

"Give me a moment," Sarah said turning toward the stairs. She quickly made her way up them, a few steps groaning under her feet. She returned a minute later with her necklace in her hand, the flames swirling irregularly.

"Put it away," Jared said calmly. "Who came here the day you found that?" he asked. Sarah hesitated.

"Someone named General Icari," she said finally. She quickly questioned the conversation. "Wait how did you know I had gound the necklace and how did you know someone came here when I did so?" Jared leaned back in his seat and let out a quiet laugh. He collected himself and then stood up.

"He didn't get to explain himself did he?" Jared asked. He walked over to Sarah and sat her down.

"Wait! You're completely ignoring my questions," Sarah stated annoyed.

"I'll tell how I knew later. So again you didn't let him fully explain himself did you?"

"How do you know?" Sarah asked.

"I'm sure if anyone was put in your position, it would be hard to believe anythin' a complete stranger tells you. He always jumps the gun. He goes for the harshest truth when given the chance" he explained. "Alright you are goin' to listen and you will not interrupt me. Understood?" he added. Sarah looked at him in denial. What was it that both the "General" and Jared had to tell her.

"Fine," she said crossing her arms. Jared sat down in front of her.

"I believe that Icari already said that you are not human. Right?" He asked. Jared said it so straight forward that Sarah didn't know how to respond accept to slap him. How did he know about a conversation that she never mentioned.

"Look I already said I didn't believe Icari. Why would I believe you?" she snapped.

"Okay. One would think that you would have already figured somethin' out," he sighed as he rubbed his forehead in aggravation. Sarah was tired of being told something that didn't seem like the truth. She wanted answers.

"I promise you that everythin' I tell you is the truth. But you will have to trust me. I'm not here to spin a tale. I'm here to tell you the truth about yourself that has been concealed," Jared said. He looked Sarah straight in the eyes.


"Yes. Your memories, your true memories have been blurred and covered up with fake ones along with real ones you have been through," Jared explained calmly.

"My memories?" Sarah asked.

"Yes. You see my necklace here is used to transfer energy or a 'Soul' transfer. Yours was used to conceal your true memories."

Sarah looked at him in disbelief and confusion.

"Fake memories? That-"

"Not really fake. Lets just say you dont have all your memories. I'll explain as much as I can to you but first you will have to speak to Icari," Jared said. "The day after your birthday is the start of our spring break. We can talk to him then. "Jared stood up and walked to the door. "I will see you tomorrow," he said as he opened the door. Sarah watched as he closed the door behind himself. The conversation went by so fast, Sarah didnt have time to respond, let alone try to ask anything. She sat in the living room for a few moments, replaying the words in her head. She looked at her necklace and watch as the flames swirled around irregularly. She finally devided that she wasnt going to fight this anymore.

Sarah walked upstairs and went straight to her room bathroom. She started to run some warm water and undress herself for a shower to clear her head. She stepped into the tub, feeling the warm water hit her body. She stood there for a while, just letting the water run down her back and watched as the water drained in its usual circular motion. She didn't know how she was going to take all the information that was going to be told to her.

After some time she finally had enough of the water and turned it off noticing her fingers were slightly pruney. She located a towel and wrapped herself up and made her way to the bedroom. She sat at the end of her bed, allowing herself to air dry. She finally got herself dressed and plopped herself in bed, not bothering to cover up with the blanket. Then the questions came flooding in. She flipped over on her side and looked out her window. She could see the clouds making their way across the sky. She wanted to believe what Jared said, and slowly she began to think it wasbfor the best.

"Who am I?" she asked herself as she fell asleep, her arms tightly wrapped around her pillow.

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